motor help!


Mar 6, 2004
ok worst case scenerio: I'm riding my bike an since i don't race i haven't looked at my top-end latley and i don't realize that my rings are worn their limit. Any ways i'm riding and my piston seizes and the rings scrath up the cylinder badly. Since my bike is over bored can i just buy a new sleeve for my bike and put that in the cylinder and change the top-end and be fine? or do you need to do something to the cyllinder, like send it out to eric gorr? I know it may be cheaper to send it somewhere but could you just buy a new sleeeve every time your bike did this? any help would be greatly appreciated. :think:


Jul 29, 2000
South America
Just get a new sleeve, piston, and rings. Bring the piston and rings to the shop that is going to put in the new sleeve so they can get the clearance perfect. Actually if the piston and rings are in good shape you can use them. The shop will bore out the new sleeve to match them. Tell the shop what the minimum ring end clearance and piston-to-cylinder clearance are (look in manual or call the bike shop that sells your brand). With a sleeve in there, then each time you screw it up you can have it bored out some more to match a bigger (dia) piston and rings (that you'll have to buy each time.


Feb 5, 2004
but cant you only bore out your cylinder so much? Plus if once you get to your bore limit since the sleeve will be almost gone you can buy a new one to put in right? and start the proscess all over again right?
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