Mountain Riding (pictures)


Jul 9, 2003
Well just did my first ever dual sport ride on my newest bike. Had a good time, spent the better part of a day above 11,000 feet. I took my co-worker that has a DRZ400 up to a neat area that I had only ridden once before. We climbed up to Kingston peak and rode a loop around the St. Mary's Glacier area. Met a few people hiking to the top to do some skiing on the Glacier. We also rode around to a few high mountain lakes as well. We had our lunch at the "Rock House" that overlooks one of the bigger lakes. The trip netted us a little over 40 miles. We took our time and did it leisurely and took pictures so it took us about 3-4 hours.

These go in somewhat chonological order

The snow is the glacier



Aug 29, 2009
These are great photos. The first time I went to Colorado as an adult I had just purchased my first dirtbike-which I barely new how to ride, and was back at home. I saw a few trailers up in the high country west of Denver and wondered what that would be like. This sure looks even cooler than I imagined.

Looks like a great way to cover a lot of ground and see some beautiful country.

Thanks a bunch. Hope you get a chance to do it again- preferably at a time when you won't get trapped up there by snow storm!


May 10, 2007
Boy that 3rd shot looks like it could've been taken in PA. That sure is some beautiful scenery you guys get to ride through.

Just curious, what was the temperature up there?
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