Mx South, Beware Of Them!!

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Sep 1, 1999
I just got my statement from MX SOUTH, I noticed that they decided to charge me for a return that I made a year ago. They did not ask for the products back, they were the wild skins seal savers.

After using them I was impressed at how well they worked and called Jeff back to order some more.

After talking with him this morning about the charge that he decided to place with out my permission (stealing in my opinion), things got heated and he hung up on me. If he would have called me and discussed this with me I would have been glad to pay for half or all of the first order, but no, they had to sneak it in with out consulting me.

If this is the way they do buisiness I would be very concerned about giving my credit card # out to them.

He didnt give me a DRN discount which would have been half of the return amount anyway.


Jun 3, 2002

I have had very good luck with all the stuff I have orderd from Jeff. This is the first bad thing I have seen?


Sep 1, 1999
This wasnt the first problem I had with them, they mistakenly double chaged me for some stuff I bought and it took them over 2 months to credit me! After looking back at that situation I should have known no to mess with them again!


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Add me to the "confused list".
Here's what I read, Please tell me if I got it right;
You ordered a part. You "returned a part" but didn't actually return it. You used the part and ordered more of the same. You are pissed that you were charged for the part that you used.

Who was trying to "steal" from whom?


Sep 1, 1999
You dont take any things that dont belong to you, period. The intial return was over a year ago, that deal was then and this is now. If he would have asked me to pay that is one thing but you dont sneak money out of my account with out my permission. This really bothers me that they decided to take what ever they wanted.

They told me to keep the the wild skins at that time, they didnt say if you like them then pay later. I ordered more later on from him because they did that for me, and if would have payed.

Keep in mind this a princaple not big bucks! The product is only $12 a piece.


Sep 1, 1999
Like I said earlier, I did have some problems with them crediting me on their double billing me. I think that since I had those problems Jeff just told me to keep the wild skins since I wasnt satisfied at that time.

Let me re-peat my self one more time:

That is chicken $hit. If they thought is was so fair why did they sneak it out without asking?

The bottom line is I would not give out my CC# to just anyone and especially not to MX SOUTH.

Its not the way I would do buisiness.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Originally posted by reynome
You dont take any things that dont belong to you, period.


I just didn't see how it all came together.


Nov 24, 1999
I was told by my Master Card that if the charge wasnt billed/filed with Master Card in 5 business days they wont pay the company or business applying for your money from your account. So I would be surprised that any company would even to try to tap an account. I know of a mom and pops diner that Visa and Master Card both froze their accounts payable to the diner for late billing. :scream:


May 17, 2001
Maybe I'm thinking of a different situation, but didn't they send you the parts, and you didn't order them, and they told you to just keep them instead of sending them back? And now you are being charged for them? Either way, it's not right at all.



Sep 1, 1999
I originally ordered the wild skins, but when they came they didnt look like the picture, they auctually velcrowed around the fork leg. I didnt think they would work at all. I wanted to send them back but was told to keep them.

I do almost all my buisiness thru online mail order and have never run into this kind of a problem.

I am just pissed off and dont like to be treated this way. I dont direct any anger to the people who have inquired for more details in this thread.

Not all people will agree with me and thats ok. I am just sharing a review about a shop that alot of DRNers do buisiness with.


I'm willing to bet that after things cool off a bit, Jeff will make things right. JMHO. I don't remember who it was but another member was seriously upset with them (MXSouth) and I remember Jeff stepping up and getting things resolved. With all the positive reviews of MXSouth, mine included, I wouldn't let one bad experience sour you on them.
BTW-Whether this is relavent or not, WIld Skins is no longer in business. SealSavers is the way to go for fork seal protection.
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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Stupid question time.

When you called were you calm and business like or were you accusing and uptight? May times things happen that the person ultimately responsible for are not aware of. Perhaps not any of the previous applies. I have no idea of what transpired and reading the thread still can’t really figure it out. Don’t really care to either. I have always had a good experience with MX South and have never had any issues like you claim to have with them. For that and the fact that they support DRN I will continue to shop there.


Sep 1, 1999
It started off profesional, and diverged about the time I said: "How would you like it if I charged things to your credit card" And they were very defensive after that.

This incident is not the first time I have had diffaculty with them, plus I dont need the typical dealer attatude that they have done it all and know it all.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I can see them telling an alegedly disatisfied customer to keep the merchandise in question. I can also see when the customer returns to buy more of the product, and stating satisfaction with the previous product as his motivation, the vendor then charging the account for the original merchandise.
If you were unhappy with the product you orginally purchased, you could have expected never to be charged. But, you apparently were satisfied. Now, logic tells me that the vendor is owed monies for his product that he provided to you. The moment you let me know you were, in fact, not a displeased customer from the start, I would have immediately ran your account numbers too. Heck you had 12$ of his merchandise. How many freeloaders can one vendor stomach anyway?


Sep 1, 1999
You dont charge anyone for something that they dont agree to. Just because it is a credit card doesnt give anyone a excuse to charge whatever they want. I look at it like someone reaching into my wallet and pulling out cash they werent invited to, which would result in a broken arm if it were in person!

Part of the issue here is Jeff was too chicken $hit to confront me and decided to steal money from my card with out permission. If he wanted the merchandise back a YEAR ago he should have said so. If he wanted me to pay for it now he should have said so, I would never have ordered again from him but he was banking on me not looking at the statement I guess.

Personally I hate freeloaders and do not consider myself one.


Nov 14, 2000
This isn't the first time I've heard of some dealings going wrong with mx south. This will be like complaint #20 i've seen posted online in the last few years. I still haven't bought from them and I still doubt I will. You should dispute the charge, was it your debit card used?


Sep 15, 2000
Jeff @MxSouth has been nothing but good while dealing with me. Seeing that I live in Canada I usually get screwed when it comes to shipping charges. I ordered a case of Silkolene Pro 2, some pants, and a jersey. The shipping was something like $14 bucks to anywhere in the states, but $40 something to Canada!!! Jeff got it down to something like 22US for shipping. Awesome!! He didn't have to go out if his way to help me but he did, MxSouth gets all my business.

Never had nothing but good things to say about MxSouth.

Plus, you bought something, didn't pay for t, its only fare that he charged you...


Sep 3, 2001
I have bought thousands of dollars riding gear, after market parts, and much
more stuff from Jeff. I have never had a problem with MX South. Jeff has always gone out of his way to make my shopping easy. My products have
always been shipped in a timely manner and Jeff has been a great phone


Sep 1, 1999
No it wasnt a debit card, I havent decided on how I will handle this issue.

I read here on DRN about not wearing a helmet, you can do it many times but eventually you will pay for not wearing one. I had succesfully ordered from MX South in the past too, one too many times I suppose.


Nov 10, 2000
As a business person, I understand that you can't bat 1000. You will disappoint a customer eventually regardless of how hard you try. It will be a bad decision on your part, an impossible-to-please customer, or maybe just a misunderstanding. But it WILL happen.

I've had good luck with Jeff at MX-South and until I have a problem with him, I view your story as an isolated incident - not a trend.

MX South

Jun 15, 2000
This is Jeff with MX South.

Just wanted to post to this once and only once so all can see the facts, without the slander and insults, and judge for themselves.....

Marc ordered up Seal Savers from us last year. Immediately upon receiving them, on time, he called me and told me that the product was "bull****" and that he wanted me to have the items picked up at my expense and refund his money in full. In an attempt to please Marc, I told him that even though the product works fine and every one else has been happy with them that I would refund his money in full even though he hadn't even tried them yet. I did this. I also told him that it was not worth sending a 12$ call tag to pick up a $12 part. So he got to keep them totally for free.

Now, 1 year later after never hearing from Marc again I get a call from Marc. He tells me that the Seal Savers worked perfectly and have lasted a whole year for him and that he hasn't blown 1 fork seal since. Much to my surprise he doesn't offer to pay for them now after using them at my expense for 1 full year, but he does tell me this..... He says, " They worked great and it is time to order some more of them. I have been searching all over the Net and can't find them anywhere. I even called White Bros. but they don't carry them anymore. I don't know what to do." He then tells me (obviously since he couldn't find them anywhere else first) that he wants to order more of them from me now and he did.

After hanging up with Marc and processing this new order for him I became angry at Marc's inconsideration and rudeness. Marc did not even mention paying for the first order or even in the least thank me for doing what I did for him the first time. So yes, I did re-bill him for the first product along with the new and same exact product as the first order. Yes, I probably should have informed Marc of this before hand, but I didn't want to speak to him in person again that day. So, I wrote out a very detailed message on his invoice explaining the situation and informing him of the charge and why it was now on his current bill. This was in no way hidden as Marc has stated here. It was on his current invoice and he saw it. He did not discover the mysteriously hidden charges on his statement as he also stated here. He got my invoice in the mail and saw the note that I wrote for him with the full explanation.

Next Marc calls me and is not happy about the re-billing. I agreed that I probably should have called him first and that since I did not I would refund the re-billing in full immediately. This was done within 5 minutes of me hanging up the phone on Marc. Yes, I hung up the phone on Marc as he has written. I did this because after I told him that I would refund him his money he continued on to shout at me, talk over me, insult me, and swear profanity at me. I will not sit on the phone and take that from anybody especially after how Marc has treated MX South and me.

Those are the facts of the situation. You be the judge as to whom is stealing.

MX South


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I am going to close this off

Marc I am not doing this to deny you a chance to defend yourself but I think now that Jeff has come on there are enough facts for everyone to decide. The basics are the same- interpretations vary. Lets leave it here and if you want take it into the flame forum (since that is where this appeared to be heading) but we have exhausted the product review portion.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Always good to hear the other side of the story. Having spent a few thousand dollars with Jeff over the years and knowing how he has always acted with the utmost integrity, I'm not surprised that Marc side of the story was somewhat embellished.

Jeff - Thanks for the great service over the years. I wish there were more people like you in the motorcycle business.
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