Nov 13, 2001
I spoke to Jer today regarding Sage's advertisement of MX-Tech discount KDX shock work.

Jer did seem a little surprised that word had hit the stree already and I got the impression that he was still thinking up the deal at that the published price of 225 installed was not a done deal...

Jer did say that he would do the work for around that price, but I did not get a warm-n-fuzzy from Jer...

Jer did mention that Fred T's 'the works' bumpsticks looked awesome...

In my book Jer is the most approachable bumpstick tuner period. This guy is cool to all, no matter your wallet size...:cool:


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
Originally posted by RTL
I spoke to Jer today regarding Sage's advertisement of MX-Tech discount KDX shock work.

Jer did seem a little surprised that word had hit the stree already and I got the impression that he was still thinking up the deal at that the published price of 225 installed was not a done deal...

Jer did say that he would do the work for around that price, but I did not get a warm-n-fuzzy from Jer...

Just wondering where the heck you pulled all that from? here was my "mx tech advertisement" cut right from its thread -

"Going to straight rate .42 springs, the dual rate springs were really messing with the rear shock.

Also Jer @ MXtech has a whole lot of KDX rear shock kits he needs to move, so give the guy a call."

when you emailed me asking for a price, that was from my shop not from MX-Tech, I have access to their parts and thats it, I don't know their shop rates and other fees so taking my price to Jer and saying "Sage said" is complete BS! I hope Jer stops by and reads this to get the story straight, I don't need one of my suppliers PO'ed at me because of some forum BS.

The last time I talked to the guy he said he had a bunch of 46mm shock kits that were needing a home, I thought I'd let you guys know about it since we all own KDX's.

Please get the facts straight next time, it's stuff like this that burns bridges without knowing why, sorry if I seemed a bit harsh but I hate people tossing my name out there without getting the story straight.
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Nov 13, 2001
Sage, easy guy... Sounds to me that you need to get your facts straight. First, let me start by saying that I did not use the term 'Sage said' at anytime with Jer. I simply stated that you had mentioned in a thread from DRN that Jer had KDX shock valves he was trying to move and to give the guy a call. PERIOD! So that's what I did, I gave him a call!

Jer seemed taken back by the fact that I had that knowledge (of units needing to be moved) and told me that he had not published anything yet...

Jer also asked me if I knew Sage personally and I said no, I only know of him from DRN, PERIOD!.

Also, so that there would not be any confusion with Jer regarding this issue, I called Jer back an hour later and talked to his secreatary (or whoever she is) and told her that Sage's website was publishing $225 for MX-Tech valves installed and that Sage was not quoting prices for MX-Tech... If there was any confusion it was on my part. I saw your add and thought that you were doing Jer a professional favor. Your add and your DRN thread stating to call Jer was a little confusing. HOWEVER, I was very careful to state that I was not sure of anything and that I was simply looking to save some coin.... PERIOD!

Sage, I got the facts straight my man, I did nothing that would get you in trouble. Remember, we are the customers, you are selling to us... I appreciate your efforts to help Jer and to save us KDX'ers coin, that is why you guys get ALL of my buisness, PERIOD.

Also, in the future, a PM or phone call could go a long ways. The funny thing is was that I was boxing my shock up to send to YOU and was about to order some Excel rims from YOU at the advice of Fred T.

Man, you were so far off on this one it was not even funny. The last thing I wanted to do was get anybody in hot water with distributers or cause any hard feelings. All that I was trying to do was save some coin...

Call Jer if you are worried that RTL and his DRN forum BS may have got you in hot water. Just as an FYI, I may not be a X Kawi mechanic, but I'm not exactly an uneducated, toothless bafoon neither, so don't respond to me as such:debil:


dirtbike riding roadracer
Mar 28, 2001
"I saw your add and thought that you were doing Jer a professional favor. Your add and your DRN thread stating to call Jer was a little confusing"

Sorry, I thought you were talking about something I said on DRN, not something posted on my site.

"I'm not exactly an uneducated, toothless bafoon neither, so don't respond to me as such"

The reason for this sentence - "sorry if I seemed a bit harsh"

Don't worry about it, it was a misunderstanding on both parts. No hard feeling on my side, I’d rather be confronted than misunderstood.


Nov 13, 2001

Thanks Sage. Confronted versus misunderstood sounds cool to me. I have learned a valuable lesson here. I like the way you have the nads to speak your peace.

Both you and Jer are on the top of my tuner/vendor list and you will still get my business. That's the one thing that sucks about email, no face to face or tone to tone clarifications, no matter how many 'Smilies' are available.

Thanks for putting up with me guys, preciate-n-it.;)

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