I have never been on a MX track but have done sportbike road racing. Skeeter's is just down the road from where I live now and I think I am going to go give it a try. So I am going to be the SLOW guy....(picture 6 year old on pw50's weaving back and forth trying to get around me :pissed:). What is the track etiquette out there. Don't want to irritate other faster riders. On the road track basically if you are slow admit it to yourself hold a tight line on the corners, don't use the WHOLE track and the faster guys will get around you no problem. Oh and don't open up your 1100 up on the straights else 600 riders might elbow you in the corner when you finally slow dow for them to pass you. Trying to do my homework before going out there so please help out a newbie!