
Nov 20, 2000
After getting advice from Rich and others here I have been trying to ween myself off of the wonderful smelling maxima 927 castor oil and have tried several different oils and here is what I found out in MY case on MY bike. Keep in mind I played around with jetting all spring and some of the summer and I get 0 spooge with castor and silly throttle response with my current jetting and I wanted an easy swap so I wasnt willing to rejet.

All the oils were mixed with c-12 (and a little pump here and there if I was low) and run at between 26 & 32:1 and were used in a variety of riding that's mainly trail but also some wide open playriding. I do a lot of riding but I mainly ride in one of three areas so all the oils were tested somewhat under the same conditions.

Yamalube 2r- didn't run that bad would seem to give some spooge on long slow rides I would use it again, about $5.50 a bottle

Maxima super-M- spooged hi speed or low speed dripped from silencer connection as well I wouldn't run it again. I think it's about $6.50 a bottle

Honda HP2 - some spooge at hi or low speeds but not as bad as the maxima it also had a weird smell in my bike. The yamaspooge ran better so if I had to choose I'd choose the 2r. about $5.50 a bottle

Bel ray H1r- ran okay never really spooged but the bottles are small and I do way to much riding to pay $6 for that.

Mobil MX2t- I am on my second tank of this stuff and at about 30:1 and I have gotten no spooge so far and it seems like less smoke than the 2r or super-m and about the same as the H1r and the Hp2. Cost is less the $4 a bottle.

It's been posted here before but this Mobil oil is a really good value and if you believe the label it seems to offer the same protection as the more expensive oils. I can definitely say in my case it runs better than most of what I tested and costs less than all the oils I tested. Unless when I repack my silencer I get a surprise I definitely have found my new oil. This was not a scientific test it is just my results that I found when looking for a new oil. I'm posting this because it may help someone else down the road when they use the search button.
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