My World Cup Of Motocross image and video archive


Apr 3, 2002
I've returned from my trip. Originally we had set out to see the Motocross Des Nations but we ended up seeing the World Cup Of Motocross since the MXDN was cancelled.

I took just over 400 still images with my digital cam corder and I have quite a bit of video footage. Some of the video footage I will convert to .MPEG format so you can download it.

The quality of some of these pictures may leave a bit to be desired so if you do not like the picture you're looking at, use your web browser's "back" button and try the next picture. I'm somewhat new to this photography stuff.

The website that I'm hosting these pictures and video segments on will get very slow if a lot of traffic is generated on it. If it's slow, you can always try later.

I have a high capacity memory stick in my camera so I took a lot of pictures. Many of them were spur of the moment shots. If you look long enough you'll find a picture of Danny "Magoo" Chandler picking his nose. Sorry Danny, it wasn't intentional. I saw him and had to get him on film, but by the time I snapped the picture, he was already digging for gold. Either that or he was rubbing his nose. One of the two. Either way, I apologize in advance for that one.

Other pictures to look for:
-8:00am PST riders meeting which I attended where they decided at the spur of the moment to change from a two half-hour practice session format to one 1-hour practice session for the world cup riders
-A fully electrical battery operated MX bike. The owner/creator/rider of this bike would not divulge ANY details to anyone other than it's weight: 289lbs. He was using it to putt around the spectator infield areas but he did say "it's plenty fast".
-Very fast mini rider #800 Mike Allesi
-Roger DeCoster
-Fast Masters riders: Jeff Ward, Chuck Sun, Jeff Emig, Doug Dubach, Ryan Hughes, Erik Kehoe, Jeff Matiasevich, etc. (Rick Johnson, Ron Lechien, Guy Cooper, and a few others did not show up for some reason).
-Mike Mezger running out of gas at 2 laps into moto 1?
-A tabletop in the back section of the track that must be 130 feet long or longer!
-Dobb - a very fast rider!
-"Bubba" has a star on Hollywood Boulevard already
-Greg Albertyn- VERY fast on Sunday for a guy who's been retired for a few years

Check back periodically as I add more still images and video clips

My World Cup Of Motocross image and video archive (a work in progress):

Video Clips:
World Cup Of Motocross - Moto 1 start. At the end of this clip you'll see the crash coming down Shoei hill in which Tortelli punctured a lung:

World Cup Of Motocross - Mike Mezger walks off the track in moto 1 - out of gas?

Fast Masters - Moto 1 start.

Fast Masters - Dubach and Emig dice with Hughes rounding out the top 3.

World Cup Of Motocross - Moto 2 start - Ferry goes down coming down Mt. St. Helens. It looked like he was taken out by another rider.

World Cup Of Motocross - Moto 2 - Here's a decent look at that 100+ foot tabletop. I estimate it was about 130 feet long. You had to be there.

World Cup Of Motocross - Moto 2 - Here's a shot from the landing area of that long tabletop. The riders are in the air before they become visible on the camera lense so the hang time should give you some sort of idea of the leap these guys are making. Not all riders are jumping the entire length of the tabletop. I'd say about 15-20 of the 39 riders were jumping the full length.
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