Mystery Noise When on the Pipe???


Dec 30, 2003
My 200 is dialed in eally well - settld with 42/152 and have the PC Platinum II, airbox mod.

The bike pulls like a scalded cat everywhere with no flat or missing spots, great throttle response etc - just no complaints at all.

When I am on the main jet (which is pretty rare for me) after about 3-5 secs, I get this weord sort of popping/bubbleing noise coming from the head area. It is not loud - sort of sounds like french fries frying. I am guessing this is some sort of detonation problem -but not sure.

Everything appears to be just fine - just want to get this thing licked. I was thinking that maybe it is loading up as this isoften after 10-15 miles of TIGHT single track. Moving to the 42 helped alot as I can blip the throttle after miles of idle to 1/4 throttle and it cleans right out.

Thanks for any pointers..



Nov 18, 2002
Maybe a bit lean on the Main jet? Did you do a plug chop and verify that its set correctly?


G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
Yup, sounds too lean.
Uh, you running a '7' plug? I don't think they like running hot and hard.
Last edited:


Oct 14, 1999
1. Why the question of a '7' plug? There's some foreknowledge? If you're jetted based on readings from a #7 plug, you are not jetted correctly.

2. Re: '..and it cleans right out.'

If it's jetted right, there isn't any cleaning out to be done. I'm not sure if you are saying it hits right off with no 4-stroking, or it only 4-strokes some, hence it 'cleans right out.'

3. It's either detonating....or not. The sound you describe sounds like detonation in which case, you'd best get it fixed. Detonation is NOT your friend!

But then, I had determined recently that some other bike was detonating based on what I understood the described noise to be. I was wrong.

Seems that a slack chain eating bits of the underside of the swingarm makes a 'popping' noise. :( Can't jet that out.

Boiling coolant sounds more like french fries frying than detonation does. What's going on with your coolant level? Losing some? (..and I'm not referring to the's losing coolant all the time)


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Seems that a slack chain eating bits of the underside of the swingarm makes a 'popping' noise

It sure does! :ohmy: :eek: :whiner:

G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
canyncarvr said:
1. There's some foreknowledge?
Nope, not at all, just based on my engine rebels with a 7, else forced to jet much fatter to make the knocks and surging go away.


Dec 30, 2003
No I on an 8.

I will toss the 155 back in and see what that does. I think maybe the 42/155 combo is iseal at my 600 ft elevation.

Goofy thing is - I am heading west to 5000 foot ish in a few weeks for vacation - so the 152 may be right on.

Thanks for the info.

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