need advice on replacing rmx 250 crank seals


Jun 10, 2010
has anyone had experience with rmx 250 crank seals? i took off the magnito cover on my 98 model and it was half full of fuel so i figured id better replace the crank seals, with the magnito side one i pryed it out with a screwdriver and discovered there was a kind of thin metal sleeve over the shaft with a rubber ring around it where the seal goes. i damaged the rubber ring prying out the seal. ive rebuilt quite a few bikes before and i never sean anything like that. my brother recons its rubber thats worn off the seal, but im not convinced because it looks too neat, the seal was very worn but. does anyone know if the metal sleeve can be removed without splitting the cases? it looks like id need to press the main bearing off the shaft to get it off. i dont know if i should even atempt to pry it off with a screwdriver.
also im replacing the clutch side seal as well, is there any sleeve with rubber ring under that one i should know about?
also the old one is in i think upsidedown the face of the seal facing the crank side and the lip with the spring facing out. is that the way its supposed to go?
thanks for any advice


May 19, 2006
doamono said:
i dont know if i should even atempt to pry it off with a screwdriver.
I don't know anything about that bike or those seals, but I DO know this: if there is ANY doubt about whether to pry something off with a screwdriver, don''t.


Jun 10, 2010
yeah it looks like the sleeve is interfearance fitted on there. i just scraped off the rest of that rubber ring i was talking about, im guessing its there to help the seal seal better.
the new seal should seal fine without it.