My son is 12 but very tall for his age. He weighs 130 pounds and LOVES to ride ATV's but has only ridden a dirt bike a few times, but not racing. We are buying his first dirt bike and he wants to get into MX racing in time once he is comfortable. He is looking at the Honda or Yamaha 85, but I think this might be too small for him (I really don't have a clue however). The 100 or 125 look more like his size but I don't want him to have too much power initially.
Can you please give some advise on what is a good first MX bike for him knowing that he is growing about 2-4 inches a year and will pick up on the riding very quickly. If he can have a bike for 2 years, that would be ideal but that would be a great first MX bike for him.
I appreciate your help very much!
Can you please give some advise on what is a good first MX bike for him knowing that he is growing about 2-4 inches a year and will pick up on the riding very quickly. If he can have a bike for 2 years, that would be ideal but that would be a great first MX bike for him.
I appreciate your help very much!