Need input from digital camera guru's

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
I am looking at buying a digital camera. Never owned one before. I'd like to find something that takes decent pics, is decent in price, and will last as long as I need it. I don't need the top of the line camera, but yet I don't want something too cheap that will wind up as a dissappointment. I am hoping that some (or alot) of you could give me some feedback as to what I should look for and what NOT to look for. Any brands that are a definate plus in your opinion? Any brands that I should definately stay away from? Can I expect to get a decent camera for around the $100-$150 range, or do I need to save a few more pennies? My wife and I are going on a weekend trip for our anniversary this weekend and I was thinking a digital camera would be a cool gift for US plus we could use it on our trip. :) Thanks in advance for any help ya'll can provide.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Thanks guys. That thread is exactly what I was wanting. :thumb: Imma checkout too.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Did some reading today on dpreview and went and talked to a guy at Circuit City. I found one I like and think it will do what I want it to. Gonna check a few other stores for best price.

For around 50 bucks more I can upgrade the memory which I am pretty sure I am going to do ASAP.

I also looked at a few HP cameras but the guy told me he didn't like them and said they've been known to have "problems". Not quite sure though. I don't always trust the 40 yr old guy on the Circuit City Salesman career path. :)
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Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
That will be sufficient for still, fairly close photos but not for anything with movement. I have a 2.2 megapixel and wish I had waited a bit and gotten higher. As I said if you just want pics of you and the wife relaxing it will do a good job but for those anniversary action shots get a faster lens and more megapixels.
Be sure whatever you get to pay the extra to get the rechargable batteries- digital cameras eat duracells faster then a 4stroke can bury a 2 stroke in roost :laugh:
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Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I agree with OldGuy... I'd keep looking. Unless you only take a few dozen photos a year, get one with more features and better resolution/performance. And a rechargeable battery pack is the only way to go.

JMO, and all that.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I personally try to avoid any camera that uses a proprietary battery pack. I always try to find a model that uses rechargeable AA's Those proprietary battery packs can be very expensive to replace or to have an extra battery for extended days or trips.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Well I did the worst thing any consumer can ever do. I read a few things online, made some quick decisions and bought the Kodak camera last night. :ohmy:

I did see some other cameras for similar prices yet with more mp's but was informed that more mp's isn't always a good thing. There was a 3.2 mp HP camera but a couple of people told me that when using the zoom on that particular camera, you loose alot of quality. Most of my pics I plan to take should be stiils or "low action" shots. (even when I ride :laugh: ) The biggest things I knew I wanted were to be able to take quick little video if I wanted, and be able to add memory to the camera. Imma keep playing with it, but so far it does more than what I'll ever use it for. :thumb:

Who's this guy?? :laugh: (Yes, the pic has been photoshopped to take away some of the ugliness )


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Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Smit-Dog said:
get one with more features and better resolution/performance.

...And I totally agree with that. The thing is, this camera fits my budget perfectly. I did see some really cool cameras in the 300 and up range. I'm figgering I atleast got a good starter camera and if'n I need more later on, I can always go get some more toys. :thumb:


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I did buy an extra battery for $30. The charger is very compact, so no problems taking it along on extended trips.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
This Kodak camera uses two AA's, and I plan to stick some rechargeable's in there when these die. Luckily enough I've got rechargeable batteries out the whazoo from my RC car days. :) If I remember correctly I've got a box out in the garage with 16 AA batteries. Should be enough to hold me providing they still hold a charge.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Have fun with the camera.... you'll soon be a picture-posting madman.

And I thought I recognized you from CNN the other day...


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Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
LOL, I figured it wouldn't take long for someone to hack up my pic even more than I did. :laugh: It was actually a pic my wife took of me last night while I was installing the software on our 'puter. I took a few more pics just a bit ago and yes I can see where action shots will have a little more haze in them. Took a couple of the wife's aquarium to see how the fish show up. I can adjust shutter speeds and other things to compensate somewhat. Taking pics of aquariums are tough to pull off anyways. Still like it though...

Smit-Dog said:
you'll soon be a picture-posting madman.

Nah, what makes ya think that? :joke:


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Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Had to crop the f outta the pic since it was such a huge file (lots o' pretty colors). :)

Okie, Lemme know if I gotta front some more fundage to DRN till the newness wears off for this camera. LOL

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Well heck, I guess I'll just use this thread for my own personal amusement. :) Sure like the res on the outdoor pics I took. Nice sunny day for 'em too. :thumb:

Beagles Gone Wild...


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Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
C'mon now. I'm the type of guy that buy a $150 digital camera. What makes you think I run XP or even own a system capable running XP. :laugh: Thanks anyways...

I have a NewInBox version of XP Professional, but my system is so old that XP doesn't recognize my hardware. :( Manually installed the drivers and still got all f'ed up. Gave up on it and went back to (gasp) ME. :) Luckily the XP was a freebee from a friend w/ connections so all it cost me was the time working on it.

I use Photoshop to resize and compress. It's ok for now...
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