need rm 125 help!!!!!


Jan 19, 2013
I traded a guy for a 96 rm 125 he fired it up 2nd kick no prob and after it warmed up I tromped it down the street and decided I wanted it. 2 days later I can't start it to save my life. I pulled the carb and cleaned it, checked compression which is at 145lbs ish, I have spark and a brand new plug, and I am assuming the cylinder is getting gas bc every 5 or 6 kicks it like sneezes gas out esp if I go to give it gas while kicking. I have tried to start it without using any throttle and it still sneezes out gas every few kicks and I am losing my mind. I even tried bump starting it. It got goin once but even after running for 2 minutes it eventually stopped and I can't get it goin again. It was idling kinda funky but after a minute I turned the throttle and she revved up nicely I have the air screw and jet screw turned out 1 1/2 and I put fresh gas and oil with a 32:1 ratio. I am losing my mind trying to figure out why it won't start and could really use some help and it would be greatly appreciated


Mar 8, 2008
reeds, coil or woodroow

maybe your flywheel become loose? That Woodrow key sometimes shears off. If that is not the case try a different coil, testing for spark and getting spark when the plug sits in the cylinder's head are 2 things.

If the plug gets wet you get full, if it does not get wet you don't get fuel. Your reed could stick and won't let any fuel through. Take that plug off and kick it a few times, than remount the plug and start. Hopefully that helps.

Good luck


Jan 19, 2013
The plug gets wet for sure and if the key has been sheared on the flywheel would I still have been able to start it? After about 100 kicks I got it to start once but even after goin for a few minutes I never could get it goin again it really does seem like a spark issue are coils expensive? Sorry I am a newbie and thank you for the help


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Check compression and the reeds. 145 is too low and if the reeds are worn it won't start easily.


Jan 19, 2013
I am unsure of what to look for as far as the reeds. I am about to pull em off and check but I really don't know what to look for? And as far as I can tell on that year after reading posts on several websites for the last few hours it seems like for that year most people are saying anything above 140 is ok? Is this wrong?


Mar 8, 2008
140 is not that high.
with a sheared flywheel key you timing would change and it could still start if its not too much. My guess is more to coil, plug or something else electrical.

If the reeds are frayed on the edges they need to be replaced. But as the plug gets wet I'd first try to get the excess fuel out of the engine. You could also have a too high float level or the floats lets past some fuel. All those things make the bikes start hard
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Jan 19, 2013
The floats looked nice so did the jet when I cleaned the carb. I pulled the reeds off last night and every one of the pedals are sitting nice and flush against the housing their in and nothing is chipped or even looks worn? I pulled em back a little and they return nice and flush and I cannot find a crack in.them. I guess my next step is to test the coil and stator I can't find the ohms to test yet but I am getting a strong blue spark when its not in the cylinder I mean its nice and blue and fires like crazy. Hell I even tried spraying starting fluid which I know is a no no and even that didn't get it goin neither did push starting it. Ready to toss it lol I want my kx 250 back


Dec 14, 2009
My suggestion is ask the guy who you bought it from, this doesn't sound like an overnight thing, it was existing. He should know how to get it started because he wouldn't try and sell something that wasn't going to start when the buyer went to see it, you know?


Sep 11, 2009
If the plug is getting super wet it might be running too rich on the pilot jet? I think it should not normally sneeze out fuel (I assume out the exaust?) even if its not firing... I would check everything that can cause a rich condition. Pilot jet, float level, needle valve (does it ctually shut off the flow of fuel reliably?), idle screw, etc.

Also make sure the plug gap is set correctly... Like someone said... Firing out in the air and in the head are two different things.


Jan 19, 2013
I assumed the float and needle were ok since it doesn't pour gas out like crazy with the fuel valve open. Sometimes I pull the plug out and its barely wet at all and when I try to give it some throttle when kicking then the plug comes out crazy soaked. Even if I don't twist the throttle it sneezes out gas every 5 kicks or so could this be a plugged exhaust? He drove an hour to my house and it fired 2nd kick, I tromped it down the road to make sure it ran ok and it was a little slow and bogged a little until the powerband hit and then it took off like a bat outta hell which I assumed was the norm for 2 strokes. I checked the plug gap and I mean its a brand new plug and it does seem like its just not firing in the cylinder does anyone know how I can test either the coil or stator to see if they're almost hit? It is a strong blue spark though.


Sep 11, 2009
To check the coil you need an ohm meter and the factory spec. Primary (input wire to ground) should read some value (pretty low) and secondary (plug wire to ground) should read another value (generally higher).

You might be able to find the spec with some searching.


Jan 19, 2013
One more question and you all have been so helpful. I found that after cleaning tour carb 1 1/2 turns out is good for the jet screw to start, but where is a good place to start the idle screw? I can't find any info on it anywhere


Mar 11, 2013
I had the same problem with my cr 125 I pulled out the plug and put a new one in it, then took ether and sprayed a bit on the airbox and it started first kick after that.
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