Need some guidence on a new bike


Apr 19, 2009
Hello, Im looking for a new bike. I am looking to use the bike for trail riding and playing around at home when not on the trails, no competition to worry about. As I dont have much money, I have been looking at craigslist for some good deals. What I am looking at mostly are Rm125, Cr125, and yz125. They seem like the only 125s out there and the cheapest. It doesnt matter brand as long as its in the big 4. Aslo looking for mid to late 90s, nothing older. Anyone wanna tell me what to be looking for and what not? Just looking for a reliable bike I know will start up when I go to use it.


May 10, 2007

You aren't looking at reliable trail bikes. You should look for an XR or similar.

Fill out the sticky at the top of the "what bike do I get" forum so we can get a better feel for what you need.


Apr 19, 2009
1) your physical size (both height and weight are important)

I weigh 150lbs, about 5'6

2) How physical / aggressive are you ?

Very very aggresive quading, idk how I will handle a dirtbike, I guess when i get better I would get a better bike tho.

3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with friends or ?????

Friends, trails, woods

4) Do you have any riding experience?

On quads, somewhat when younger on a bike

5) Do you think you will race ?


6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work?

Yes, I have my own mechanic shop/ machine shop

7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)?

Pref a suzuki, but any big 4. rather a air cooled 4 stroke, but an water cooed woulnd be bad either. rather not a two stroke but w/e.

8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry?

Buying used of craigslist, parts come off internet. but yes I do.

9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike?

around $500-600

10) Do you live in California?

no, NJ

11) Your age?

16 in 3 months

12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion

Not really, i'm looking for a mid 90s fixer upper, just trying to find out what kinda bike im looking for, but I know I want a 125. Maybe u guys could tell me the bike that would be good for me from each brand, so what ever I find out of the list I can feel good about buying.


Oct 7, 2008
600$ is not vary much.... I am pretty sure that you will not find any good air cooled 4 stroke for that price. :( I would keep saving and when you have about 800 to 1000 then I would try to find a good XR 200.
A couple of my friends ride XR200s and they are tough, cheap to maintain and actuly climb really well.


Apr 19, 2009
Just got the diognosis on my truck, instead of rings I need a head. So Im now looking for just a starter bike as I need the rest of the money I own for a 350 rebuild.

I can find some good deals for 300-400. Just need to know what to look for that would be easy to rebuild and would stay reliable after I rebuild.

Maybe a 84 125ds? found one that runs fine for 300.

am I looking for a air cooled 4 stroke or a water cooled 2 stroke?


Apr 18, 2006
Make sure that you have room in your budget for the proper protective gear. You can be fairly aggressive on a quad and not get hurt, never touch the ground. You WILL hit the dirt when riding a dirt bike, the only question is how much damage your body takes.

You absolutely need a helmet and goggles.
I wouldn't recommend riding without boots.
Gloves are really great to have
A chest protector is essential if you are following another bike (it will throw rocks at you) and will take a lot of the impact when you go down.
Knee and elbow guards

You should plan on spending a few hundred dollars a year on maintaining the bike. You can ignore it for a while but waiting until something fails can turn a small preventative maintenance into a major overhaul/replace.

All that said, you can buy a decent bike for under $600 but you may have to go a little older than late '90s and it will probably be a two stroke. You might be able to find a bike where the seller is getting out of dirt bikes completely and will throw in all the riding gear you will need into the deal.



Apr 19, 2009
Yea. I have the helmet, goggles, and pads, no chest protector or real riding boots. I dont ride with other bikes so I dont need the chest protector.

I'm hopefully going to go pick up a 1984' dr125 off craigslist for $225 that just needs the tanks leak to be welded. I am going to disassemble it, give it a new piston and rings as well as a gasket kit. tune up the engine, and rebuild the rest of the bike.

should total to around 325 in total for a nice running four stroke bike. are these torquey or no not really?


Apr 18, 2006
Regarding the chest protector:

The roost from other bikes is just one thing that it provides protection for. It also provides protection when you hit the dirt instead of the dirt hitting you!

There have been a number of times that I have attempted to climb a hill that was just a little bit beyond my skill level. Sometimes failing to climb a hill means you come to a stop and have to turn around and go back down. Other times the stop is not so graceful and you are falling down the hill with the bike on top of you. The hills often have sharp rocks. The falls uphill tend to be in slow motion and you can feel each hit. Oops, helmet took that hit! Ah, the chest protector took that one! OUCH! the rock found a chink in the armor! I highly recommend a chest protector!

As for that DR125: It will be a nice project bike and will be fun for messing around with but you will be looking for something better before long as a 125 four stroke is pretty wimpy in the power department. If the DR is in really good shape it can serve you well, but if it has been neglected for many years it could be a money pit.


Apr 19, 2009
Will I atleast make my money back if I do decide to buy the 84 125dr or will I loose money on it? Thanks

I cant save anymore money cause I need it for other things, I can spend 450 max for the bike running perfect needing nothing. I really dont know what to do :bang:


Feb 17, 2009
The bike sounds like a money pit to me. I recently bought a 1982 RM 125 for $400. I planned to have about $700 with it running perfect. I currently have over a grand in the bike. The bright side is that I know exactly what has been done to it.


Apr 19, 2009
Yea, It does run, but I dont like the seat and fairing prior to 85'. Its just ive been looking for around 3 1/2 weeks and Im just a little impatient. I think I will keep looking for an 86' or newer. I either wanna find a dr200, xr200, or a ds of some sort.
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