Need wife-bike options.


Sep 1, 2004
Howdy. The wife wants a dirtbike.

I know this has been asked about a million times, but I'm looking for a slightly different answer. I'm looking for lots of different options as to what bikes are suitable. I've only been riding a year, so I'm pretty new to this stuff and don't know what's around. I would like to know new and old bikes alike. 4 stroke or 2. I prefer used to new, and I'm cheap. Oh yeah, I'm also cheap. And I forgot to mention I do all of my own maintenance on everything because I'm cheap.

Due to the light use, I would love to stay around $1000. However, I realize I might need to spend a few hundred more to get something better. My upper limit is around $1500. Personally, I would prefer to get a 3 year old bigger bike for the same price as a new XR150 or something. That's why I'm looking for a list of potential bikes.

Keeping that in mind, here's the answer to oldguy's top ten:
1.) The wifey is 5'3", and ~120.
2.) She is not agressive nor is she physical.
3.) She will probably ride around with the 6 year old in fields and on wide easy trail rides.
4.) She knows how to shift and work the clutch and brakes. That's about it.
5.) She will not race.
6.) I will be doing the maintenance on it. See the cheap comment above.
7.) Neither she nor I are brand loyal. She has asked that the bike match purple so she can get purple gear. I still don't know if she was kidding or not.
8.) Prefer to avoid dealers, and I'm willing to go 4 or 5 years old on a bike.
9.) She will ride at least once a month, sometimes twice a month.
10.) Nothing else comes to mind.

Thanks for any help!


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Well budget and rule #7 aside I'd be looking at a XR200/250 or a DRZ 250 given the rest of the criteria.


Sep 1, 2004
While those are a bit too pricey for my liking, the big-wheel 125's with disk brakes look very interesting... Thanks Chili.


Jun 17, 2004
I personnaly think the small four strokes are very good for this such as a TTR125 or CRF150. The latter is my wifes bike and it starts easy after rejetting and is very forgiving. I like these also because you can hop them up to all sorts of configurations with some $$$.

Budget being the way it is, I would say find a older 100 2 stk (such as a KX100) which is closer to fitting the budget, but they are not always the most rider friendly, however can be jetted and set up to be so. Also it won't be long before the 6 year old can tackle it if the wife takes to the hobby and wants something different.


Dec 29, 2003
I was in pretty much the same situation as you, and criteria were almost exactly the same. Wife sat on a lot of bikes, and in the end, she liked the XR/CRF100 the best. Mianly because it was very easy for her to reach the ground, light weight, and not intimidating. We got her like new 2001 XR100 for $1,300. She mainly putts around where the little kids ride and she loves it.

She will likely outgrow it in a few months, but it will have served its purpose. That is, introducing her to dirt bike riding without scaring her. She can ride my KDX200, but she is pretty scared of it.

Buy a little bike, get her hooked, and then shop for what she really wants. Because in 6 months, what she really wants will be very different from what she likes now.

Another very good option is the TTR-125. That was Lori's second choice.


KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
I would look at wife bike criteria similar to the way I would approach selecting a bike for a kid (or anyone for that matter). How agressive of a person are they? Degree of experience? Size? Expected type of riding? Do they have the strength for a larger heavier bike? Etc.

If she is not going to become Mrs. Motocross, and will likely play ride and trail ride, the small 4 strokes are great. Easy power delivery (the two strokes are more demanding of your attention), and proper size suggests the like of CFR150 or 230, TTR-125 DRZ 125 XR200 TTR-230 etc. XR100 would be to small i would think. I had great luck with a TTR-125 for my son. At 5' 3" it might fit well, but at my sons current height of 5'6" it is on the small side. A tiny bit bigger bike might be in order for 5 3, but keep in mind the weight goes up accordingly. XR 250 and TTR-250 have 36" seat, so I would think that is to tall. TTR-125 31.7" maybe to low, or just right close call. (XR100 even lower) , TTR-230 and CRF 230 come in at 34", but weigh more than the 125 options. Low seat height helps boost confidence early on, but can hinder development if to small.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I'm with the TTR125 or XR100 group. Both would be a perfect starter bike for what you described. Plenty of used ones out there in your price range too.


Sep 1, 2004
I'll have her sit on the 230's, but my guess is she'll want the 100/150 range because she'll feel more comfortable on it.

The best part is, if I wait 'til I find a good deal, I won't be out much when she wants to upgrade.

Thanks for the input!


It's been awhile...
Dec 1, 2004
Don't be to cheap! GREAT fun with your family is priceless!

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

Check out the TTR line.

I have got a BBR TTR if you want to let her try and ride one.

There are a bunch of TTRs out there that fall in your price range. The nice part is that when she moves to a larger (more powerful bike) bike you can jump on the TTR like a duck on a junebug and have a really nice pit bike.

If she wants to stay with the TTR, you can put a 150 kit on it and go through the BBR catalog spending anything from $ to $$$ tweeking it.


Dec 10, 2002
Do not discount the Pitbikes. I have at Pitpro CR107 and I know they are available with bigger wheels.. It doesn't sound like she's gonna really use anything to it's full potential. And I feel that A pit bike may be easier to unload should you decide that it's not what she wants to ride.


Sep 1, 2004
I didn't want to bump this old thread with an update, but since it was bumped, here goes.

I bought her a '03 TTR125 L (big wheel). I got it for $1600 and it looks brand new. Runs great too.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
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