I have to agree, thanks for the great site. I rave about this site all the time because of its great content and how the moderators keep an eye on things to make sure they don't get out of hand. It's not a free-for-all here and it is definately a family site, which I thank you for. I'd like to see an extra topic about stolen rides, it might help some folks get their bikes back. It helps guys/gals get questions answered about VIN's that I could lend a hand in. Hopefully it can be added in the near future. Thanks again.
The site is great, and still getting better. I agree that the family-friendly format is a big plus.
We are getting a lot of forums, which we need. One suggestion, however, would be to allow each member to select his or her "Favorite Forums" so that when you go to the main forums page you see only those that you want to.
You can already do that...
"Subscribe" to the forums you want, then simply go to "your cp" (Control Panel)... only the forums you subscribe to will show up. (In each forum, look for the subscribe link) If that list is all you want to see, make a shortcut directly to your CP instead of the forums home page.