New Guy - in need of help (RM 125)


Mar 18, 2007
Hello all - My name is kyle.. I've recently just started getting back into riding... I rode for 4 years from 12 until 16, but quit..

Im now 22, and want to get back into riding, and possibly motocross.
I recently purchaced a 1996 RM 125(for 900 dollars) Im having a few issues with it, so i decided to call upon the 2-stroke gods, if you will allow me to do so :)
The bike has hardly been started within the last 5 months

Basicly, When the bike is cold, its a PAINNNNN to start. Seriously, it takes a good 15 kicks, and i get so fed up i end up just running it down a hill and clutch jump starting it.
#2 - when i get it warm, it seems to be alot more easier to start again, but its a pain and i dont know whats causing it. It was also smoking white smoke when i started it for the first time - but it seems to be getting better.
Ive also noticed, the drain tube for the gas(the plug that gas usually spills out of if you flood the bike or lean it over) has oil on the tip of the tube, its not dripping or pouring, it just gets on my hand if i touch it
#3 - The bike boggs down badly unless i hold the clutch in an rev the crap out of it in order to make it go. I cannot just slowly give it gas and slowly let off the clutch, i really have to give it some juice in order for it to go without stalling... (for an example, i jumped a dirt jump last night, and upon landing, the bike will die within 4 seconds of holding the clutch in on first gear, if i dont give it gas.... Could this be a fouled plug issue??? or will a bike even start up with a fouled plug??

This is my first 2-stroke, so if any of these things are normal please let me know!... i just want to make the bike run half-decent and would like to know where to begin. - my buddy told me possibly sounds like it needs a deep carb cleaning

Anyone help!!!
-Kyle :)


Mar 18, 2007
hot125mod said:
it may be your clutch

is there any website that will give me some slight info on trying to adjust the clutch or telling if its bad???

I dont know how its the clutch though - it will take off fine it just takes alot of juice to do it... even while riding, say im in 1st gear and just cruising 8mph - ill smash the throttle as much as i can and all it will do is bogg and the bike barely moves - it will eventually go but it takes FOREVER to get up to power, and sometimes even dies.


Mar 13, 2007
i had a 94 RM 125 that started to run crappy like that. i worked on the jetting, the top and bottom ends and even the ignition and the dam thing just never ran right. so i sold the POS!! if you cant get it to work right, i think its just because of the 94-97 RMs were junk after too many miles. a friend of mine just got rid of his 01 RM because the bearing seals wore out and after he had the bottom end fixed, he ran into the same problem i did...the bike just never ran right.

the one thing i would try if i were you would be to move the needle clip up 1 position and see if that helps. that is the one thing i did to my 94 when i first got it and it made a world of difference. it was a different least until it crapped out on me about 2 years later like i mentioned.


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