
Jan 19, 2007
New kx125 2007...Run in Question...now with PIC's

Hey guys just got my KX125 this afternoon.....YAY

The book says to start her up till she is warm then let her cool down comletely then start her up again and ride very slowly for 10 mins then let her cool down completely again.
Start her up again and ride very slowly for another 20mins and let her cool completely again. now here is where im concerned....it says drain the coolant and remove the cylinder and check piston and rings and clean any carbon buildup and then reassemble and start up and ride very slowly for another 30mins.

Is the whole piston check nessasary if im not going to race her?

i was told to do all this but not the piston check when asking around.

I got a spare set of Piston, Rings, Gaskets, Back sproket, Clutch and Brake leaver and some rubber seals with the bike on delivery.

I just want to get started at riding her now after the burn in process of course (The one i know about with out stripping her dont to check the piston.)

Any help will be great in this regard.

Thanks in advance for any replys :whoa:
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Feb 3, 2007
well, I dont know about anyone else, but I've never done a "break in" tear down on any of my two strokes. I just ride the thing til it was time to actually do a top end. You can do the top end inspection if you like, or to err on the side of caution, which is always a good thing.


May 19, 2006
I wouldn't tear down a brand new bike after 30 minutes of warm up. For what you paid for it, the shop should do it for you if it's that important. Unless something was totally F-d up in assembly, or you didn't mix oil in your gas, I doubt you'd be able to tell if anything was wrong, anyway.


Jan 19, 2007
Thanks Guys.........

I was really worried but now im gonna roost everyone tomorrow.
Going to the track here in SA with my bro and i have already done
all the run and cool down stuff.

can't wait for the power band to kick in as this will be a first on my new bike.
i have only ridden four stroke bikes till now.

gonna give it strappz (South African slang).

thanks guys


Dec 4, 2006
Read the manual... the bike was out of warranty when you took possession. Break-in is to allow for a new ring and cylinder to "run in" become matched. This happens during the first two warm ups... after that your pretty much good to go under load. This is an opinion only.
My first 2t was an 85 (new) and following the breakin proceedures required 15:1 two warm ups then a thirde under load. Worried about carbon ... dah Next 125 (new) and 250 two warm ups at 32:1 then ride hard. Never had an issue. Now, even after a top end seldom will we re-enter an inspect... this has worked well for us.
Have fun... the 2T either runs or doesn't run... tearing down, inspecting doesn't mean much as should you find a broken ring you would have known something was wrong in advance. Should you find nothing and reassemble incorrectly.... you get the idea.


Oct 19, 2006
You can do a piston check through the exhaust port. It takes about 30 minutes to pull a pipe, inspect the piston, and install the pipe. You don't need to buy anything if you do the inspection this way. Is it necessary? No.


Mar 30, 2006
30 mins to take off the pipe? Maybe if you can't find your wrench. It should only take 10 minutes unless you get caught up on something. But you shouldn't have to take the cylinder off, just replace your tranny oil and coolant and let her rip.


Jan 19, 2007


May 19, 2006
just_a_rider said:
Ok how are you guys getting these 07 KX125's? Ordering them strait from Japan or what?

You can buy them in most countries, US of A, excepted. You can buy them in Canada, but not New York.

Ooops, didn't notice page 2 and this has been answered.


Mar 16, 2005
2strks4evr said:
if i'm not mistaken they sell them everywhere else but the u.s.due to lack of a market for it.
I think US is the biggest market for mx-bikes on earth and if they sell for example 200 KX125 in europe I'm shure they would sell more in the US. sounds more that they want to wipe out 125cc 2-strokes and start it on the biggest market. maybe they have left some parts and put them together and sell theese few bikes outside the US. any other suggestions?
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