Hey there, I already posted on the womens forum a few days ago and now am posting on the "newbie" site. I'm 37 years old and got my umptienth bike (kdx200) (I started as a 6 year old kid) and love it. I quit racing at 23 years of age and gave up the sport for 12 almost 13 years. I'd managed to talk my hubby and kid into getting bikes and VOILA, my weekends have changed and it's GREAT! We live in California (THANK GOD!!!! because there are millions of places to ride) My hubby is a Marine helocopter pilot and is currently working on his masters degree at Naval Post Grad school so he is getting his adrenaline fix through his bike (wr450) as opposed to flying (Phhhhewwww, much safer I think). My son LOVES the sport, he should, it's in his blood since my brothers, uncles (5 of them) and Dad all used to race! Anyways, I'm excited to read everyones posts and look forward to chit chat!