New MX/Dunes Bike


Mar 9, 2008
1) your physical size
5'9" and 155 Lbs

2) How physical / aggressive are you ?
I'm pretty aggressive on my 4x4 but you really can't compare the two.

3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with friends or ?????
MX and Dunes

4) Do you have any riding experience?
Two years 4x4 (Dunes)

5) Do you think you will race ?

6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work?

7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)?
I was kind of leaning towards a 4-Stroke just for saving gas.

8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry?
They have about every brand and if they don't I dont mind driving to So-Cal

9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike?

10) Do you live in California?

11) Your age?

12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion
This will be my first dirt bike because I have always rode 4x4s and I would like to switch. My friends either ride 4x4 or bikes and some ride both so I would like to be able to ride in both situations and still perform fairly well.


Apr 18, 2006
NEicks said:
How do you guys think the YZ 125 would do with Dunes/MX?


The 125 would be a nice bike to learn on. They are fun at the track and it will do real well out on the desert trails.

You will not be happy with it in the dunes. Riding sand is the one place where I would say that bigger is better.

To stay in your price range and end up with something that you migh be happy with I would recommend a 250 two stroke. It will be a too powerful for a first time beginner (sorry, your 4x4 experience won't help you) but if you can keep from killing yourself the first few outings it will serve you well.

If you can increase your budget a bit, or perhaps find a real good deal, a 450 four stroke would be good. The four stroke power is much more predicable and easier for a beginner to manage than a two stroke. If you need to go slow and "putt" a four stroke won't foul plugs like two strokes tend to do when they are not ridden hard.



Mar 9, 2008
Thanks for the advice. I finally managed to let my buddy let me borrow his YZ 125 to go out and see how I like it.


Feb 22, 2008
i just gotta yz250 about 2 weeks ago and it is my very first bike. he's right, they are deffinately not beginner bikes, but its just what you get used to. i have no problem with all the power, but he's also right about having to stay on the gas all the time. they are really not made for putting around. so if you think you can take it, go for it. it will just take some getting used to. oh yeah, he's also right about another thing, you can probably find one or a lot of these in your price range.
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