Dirty Dave
Sponsoring Member
If you enjoy riding in the Pinenut mountains, Sweetwater mountains, and many other desert areas in western Nevada, you had better get on the stick and let the Lyon, Mineral, and Esmarelda county supervisors know how you feel. Hundreds of thousands of acres are proposed for 'wilderness designation' in those counties. This proposal is being fastracked by a group called 'wildnevada.org'. Their last 'public' meeting was held in Gold Field Nv. (population 25, on a good day) on Feb 22 2008. Even the people in Gold Field didn't hear about it. :yell: 'Wild Nevada' wants any activity that includes more than walking off highway to cease. It would be a sad thing indeed if this gets shoved down our throats. You can see the proposed maps on the www.sharetrails.com BRC action alert archived section for February. Please check it out. Although 'Moon Rocks' is not located in the counties under attack, future Valentine Day rides could be in jeporday if 'wildnevada.org' gets up a head of steam.