New to the Forum


May 2, 2004
Hello there. Moto virgin alert. My b/f thinks it would be fun for us if I start riding dirt bikes with him and wanted me to join this forum so I can ask questions, etc. I've ridden his 87 KDX 200 around his house twice, but that's it. We're currently on a quest to find a bike that is big enough for me (I'm 5'8, 160 with very long legs) but not too powerful for me. His KDX scared the bejeezus out of me. Not a good mix to find, let me tell ya. Bikes so far are too small with the right power, like the Yamaha 125 or Honda 100 or the right size, but too much power. Looking at the Honda 150 or 235. Not sure about all this. I guess we'll see...


Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
What type of riding does your b/f like to do? I'm guessing he wants you to participate in the same type of riding is why I ask. What part of the country are you in? There are a lot of girls here that ride so if one of the group lives close enough to you, I'm sure you can try a few different rides out to help with your choice.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Andrea: Jeff had some great questions! You might want to peruse the What Bike Do I Get... ? forum or post a question in the Women's Forum. Some of the coolest women on the planet hang out there and I am SURE they will be glad to help you find a bike and spend more time with your B/F.

BTW - Is he a member? What is his screen name ... gotta connect the dots, ya know. :laugh:
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2-Strokes forever
Jul 3, 1999
Welcome to DRN, riding with your significant other is a great way to spend time together. :thumb:


May 2, 2004
My b/f is JasonWho, Tontie Champion Extraordinaire - at least until I logged in as him and beat his high score. He does primarily trail riding, enduro type stuff. He has a 94 KDX 200. We visited a MX track recently and that was a little intimidating, but interesting. Certainly can't ride very far in our back yard, so its really the only option without someone shooting at us for trespassing. We live in Northern Alabama. His grandfather's estate is about 2 hours away if we want to ride in the pasture there, but the MX park is only 30 minutes away.

Right now we're debating on whether I should get a Honda CRF230 or go with a KDX 200 like his. The size of the KDX is right, its just a matter of me feeling confident enough with all that power behind me.

We'll see...
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