New to the YZ250. Questions...


Nov 24, 2003
Okay, I am thinking about getting an '05 YZ250 but I am wondering if it is too much bike for me. I bought my first bike in '02 which was, and still is, an '02 YZ250F. I was 25 years old then and really just started riding. I ride mostly motocross on a sand track and also on my own track (easy track) that is hard pack. I do some racing but in either the "C" class 125 or now the +30 and I can ride but I am definetly not a fast guy or anything close to it. I weigh 209 now but working ont he weight. I am getting the itch to get this new bike and see what the 2 strokes are all about and the aluminum frame makes me want it even more. Questions is, How crazy am I? You guys all ride 2 strokes and know much more about the power of the 250 than me, so what do you think? I think that riding mostly in the sand and my weight, a YZ125 might be a little light for me. I realize that I don't have to twist the throttle all the way but is the bike going to be just to much of a beast for me?
The most that I jump now would be about 45-50 feet but I am also itching to hit a 90 foot table top that we have at the track.
Just looking for a little advise but you better hurry because I just might scratch this itch to get the bike in the next couple days.
By the way, I was going to keep the 250F for now becasue I just love the bike and I thought I would get the 250 out to parctice on and get use to.


Aug 31, 2004
IMO an adult can start out on a 250 as a first bike... i wouldnt worry about it.
It will take a couple months to get used to the power, then you will want more.


Mar 1, 2005
I would get the bike. 2 strokes are awesome. I dont think that the bike would be to much for you. it sounds like you are a pretty good rider. If you want a bike with awesome power then go with the 250. I think that the 250 2 stroke is a lot better than the 450f.


Jul 11, 2001
The YZ 250 has just about the nicest power in its class. It even works as a woods bike for an experienced rider. If you wanted to tone the power down just a touch, you could install a 9-oz. flywheel weight. But for MX it should be fine stock.


May 24, 2004
You can also just put a 49t rear sprocket that helps too. As for a 125, I have both bikes. The 125 really has alot more power than most would think. It really surprised me. I weight about 185 right now and have no problems on it. But the 250 is a good bike too. Might be a little jumpy for you at first but you'll get the hang of it.


Jun 30, 2004
but is the bike going to be just to much of a beast for me?

Well from the sounds of what you are saying on how you ride....NOPE! it will be just fine and it will bring a huge perma-grin to your face. I bought a 04YZ250 last summer and I love it! that was after about 12 years off from riding so you won't have a problem at all....then try to get enought funds for a PC pipe and silencer AND the V-force 3 reeds....those items made a huge jump in lowend power for me ( along with jetting)... that is after you get used to it :)


Dec 28, 2004
Get the bike and love every minute of it. You probably won't be able to use all the power but who cares? I know I can't but I'm in this for fun not to be a professional. I have an 04 YZ250 the first bike I ever owned. I weigh about 190 lbs and my bike has a FMF SST and Powercore 2 Shorty. Love the power!! Give it a little time to get used to it and you will have the most fun ever!


Jun 30, 2004
gonzo843, see my post about 04 YZ250 plug problems now...still have not nailed mine down and did not change for the Winter but I had it real close for the summers here.. Jeff.


Nov 24, 2003
Thanks for all the replies, I really appreciate the input. My plan is to go take care of teh deal today and get this baby. It's snowing right now but who cares!
I did make a mistake in my original message (maybe it was wishful thinking) I said I was 25 when I got my first bike, I was 35. Now I am 38 and the hobby is just getting worse! Like I told my wife last night "I dont need the bike, I just want it".
Does anybody have recommendations for spring rates. 200 lb. rider, Low B rider, motocross. I have heard it said that the Race Tech spring rate calculator is somewhat off. What do you think.
The first mods I'm making is Dunlop 773's for the sand, springs for my weight, and a DID ERT chain. The performance mods will wait until (if) I ever need them, but I doubt I ever will.
Oh, by the way, does anybody know where I can buy a "big hairy set of brass balls", I think I'm gonna need 'em?


Oct 31, 2002
jim7411 said:
I said I was 25 when I got my first bike, I was 35. Now I am 38 and the hobby is just getting worse!
I was wondering how you were in the 30 plus class at 28 :ohmy:
jim7411 said:
Oh, by the way, does anybody know where I can buy a "big hairy set of brass balls", I think I'm gonna need 'em?
I got married last year so I have a pair that I'm not using :yikes:


Jun 30, 2004
Wont need no brass balls :) just a little throttle management....otherwise YOU WILL like the new found umph! no know how to ride, you know how you can get in trouble pinning the throttle at the wrong time etc....I think you will adjust real's not like you are buying a 500 or something :) these 250's demand just as much respect to riding management as my sons 04 YZ 80..... don't ask haha. get it and ride it then upgrade when it's time to. I am 35, 150 lbs and 5'9" so you might just be close...... Jeff.


Jun 30, 2004
P.S. then please post back a first ride perma-grin post...:) <--- is what you will look like after cracking open that throttle and getting on the power band for the first time...


Nov 24, 2003
I told you guys you had to be quick with your responses, I bought the bike today at lunch time. Since it's snowing and I am really busy at work with a trade show, I told the sales guy that I was in no hurry. He said he would like to get it out of here. So I said "well, when would you have it ready"? He said "as quick as two hours". I will be picking it up tomorrow evening.
First race is in two weeks but I will probably miss it because of work commitments. But I may get a chance to ride 3/19 weather permitting. If so, I will definetly post the results.


Dec 18, 2004
I don't have that kind of time.

Get your A$$ home right now and test ride that new ZED. Have the report on my desktop by morning.

Congrats on the new scoot. It's the one I'd buy if my wife would let me..


Nov 24, 2003
i_955 said:
I don't have that kind of time.

Get your A$$ home right now and test ride that new ZED. Have the report on my desktop by morning.

Congrats on the new scoot. It's the one I'd buy if my wife would let me..

I would go home and ride it but if I come home early my wife is going to find out I bought a new bike :yikes:
I break this news slowly. Like the fact I bought my 11 year old a KX65 last year and next season he has to go to the 85 to race. I'll start gently telling her that about February of 2006. :laugh:


Nov 9, 2000
Having been on a 250f for four years, I took my first ride indoors at a track in KY just across the OH border. Rode conservatively for the three hours there. Night and day power compared to the 250f. Had me scratching my head because I was not very comfy today. My advice is take it slow, you will find the front end is very light and the bike is very responsive to throttle imput, no more engine braking, 3rd gear seems to do almost everything,. It will take me a few hours in the saddle to get as comfy as I was on the 250f which I still have. I bought this bike now I will learn how to ride it, big change. Any questions, my e-mail is


Nov 17, 2001
I remember worring about controlling my bike. My story is similar to yours.

I was never ready for the height, power, and performance of a modern motorcycle. Part of me wanted my 1990 DR 350 back.

This feeling went away within an hour or so. The best way I could describe the feeling is to compare it to some of my guns.

I have everyday guns. They shoot and do everything I need them to. I also have two expensive target pistols. The triggers are light. The grips are custom fitted to me, and the feel is perfect.

The modern motorcycles are the target pistols. Once you use one, you never want to use anything else. I quickly cleared my mind of wanting anything vintage again.


Dec 30, 2004
I set my '05 up for a 230 lb rider (with all gear on) and put a 5.4 spring on the rear and left the front springs stock. It works very well for me.
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