New to this


Apr 29, 2008
Hi could someone help me find a bike that might be suitable for me as I really want to take up dirt biking as a sport :ride: .

1) your physical size---Height(5.8) Weight(10 stonne)
2) How aggressive are you---Dunno
3) what do you plan to ride---Anywhere
4) Do you have any riding experience---Had a go on a 2 stroke 250cc
5) Do you think you will race---Might if I get the chance
6) Are you mechanically inclined---Will be in future ;)
7) Do YOU have a preferance---None
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home---yes
9) How much (£) do you plan to spend on a bike---around £400
10) Do you live in California---No
11) Your age---16

Thanx :) .
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