Newb from VA


Feb 17, 2006
Hey now, newb here to the site and pretty much a newb to the sport as well. I've ridden some bikes here and there since I was a kid, but I just recently decided that I'm really going to start getting into riding these crazy machines you guys tear around on. I plan on mainly doing trail riding up in the mountains here in VA, but I ended up getting a 90' CR250 a couple weeks ago. I was originally considering an enduro-type bike because of the riding I plan on doing, but I've heard so many good things about the cr that I couldn't pass up the deal I found on this one. Can't wait til the snow melts and the ground dries up a bit so I can get out and rip this thing. Also, the bike needs some minor work, so I'm hoping you guys can help me out w/ some tech info if I need it.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site :cool:

Be sure and go to your User CP and update information relating to your location, type of riding, etc. After that grab a spot on the couch and tell us a bit about yourself.

Watch the Damn Yankee Dirt Riders forum for information on an upcoming spring ride at Paragon Adventure Park.

Again, welcome to the site and shout if you have any questions!
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