newb question... year changes


Jan 5, 2006
i tried to do a search the other day on this, and had a hard time finding what i was looking for...

i'm interested in picking up a KDX200 this winter/spring. i'm wondering what years had updates and a rough idea of what they are.

the KDX seems like the best choice for me... I'm 25, 6', 140 pounds... it'll be my first dirt bike and i'll probably just stick to trails. I wouldn't be surprised if by next year or end of this year i'm trying to start racing enduros (i already road race). obviously you guys have a special place in your heart for the KDX, but any other recomendations?

thanks guys,


Jan 5, 2006
btw: i see that there is a time line on the kdx site... but nothing shows up. is it a browser conflict or is it just not done yet?


Jan 5, 2006
umm... it says "KDX Timeline" ... i don't see how i could confuse that with a chat room? anyways, nothing shows up when i click on it. i'm on a mac and using safari.

from the tech section, it looks like they updated the bike in 86, 89 and 95.

is 95 the last update for the KDX?

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
Actually there were minor updates (besides graphics) for the 96 model. Except for graphics the KDX200 has been the same every since. KDX220 has been identical ever since it came out. Good bike for a beginner. Keep reading here and you will find how to mod as much as you like! Ride safe John


Sep 11, 2005
Not sure of exact year but the 200 came with inverted forks in about 93 +/- until start of the perimeter frame models in about 96 +/-. Someone help me with the exact years.
I owned an 89 first year water cooled model and then I also owned a stock white plastic 90 and I vaguely recall some very minor differences between 89 and 90 besides the white plastic option.
My recommendation would be to avoid any air cooled 88 or older because the water cooled models were just much nicer. Next best would be the inverted fork models from about 93 until about 95. Best choice would be newest perimeter frame bike in your price range equiped the way you like.
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