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[QUOTE="KTMrad, post: 177116, member: 22365"] Governor Davis signs AB 723 – Extends off road program until 2007 Because of early press deadlines, by the time you read this, it is a 95% certainty that Governor Gray Davis will have signed into law Assembly Bill 723. AB 723 by Assemblyman Juan Vargas (D), San Diego, extends the user-funded, state managed off road program until 2007. The Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program was established in 1971, but it has always had legislative reviews or “sunsets”. The program was scheduled to sunset or end in January 2003. The OHMVR program funds off road opportunities on both state and federal land, as well as county and city run off road parks. Most of the program’s money comes from gasoline fuel tax that is used “off road”, similar to other programs where the fuel tax is used for the others who do not use the roads and highways, such as boats, airplanes and farm machinery. One of the reasons for the four-year extension (2003 to 2007) is to complete a new gas tax study to verify the amount of money that should be transferred from the state’s fuel tax collection to the OHMVR program. AB 723 is a Governor Davis Administration sponsored bill inspired by the stakeholders process established by David Widell, Deputy Director of the OHMVR Division of the Department of Parks and Recreation. Appointed by Governor Davis, Widell established a stakeholders process involving off roaders and environmentalists to try to work out differences among the key players peacefully rather than in the courtroom. While the stakeholders process has not eliminated all lawsuits, it brought all sides together to support a consensus bill, AB 723, which went through the Legislature with only one dissenting vote. The credit for this remarkable achievement of getting all the stakeholders to agree to support AB 723 goes to David Widell and the staff at the OHMVR Division. Without his leadership, we would probably not gave been able to produce this victory. Passage of AB 723 means off roaders have an additional four years to get our house in order and fend off some of the more outrageous attacks by environmental extremists such as the current lawsuits at the Hollister Hills SVRA and Oceano Dunes SVRA. By Pete Conaty Executive Director, California League of Off Road Voters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill in Congress calls for "Unlimited Fines" for straying off designated trails. Specifically targets OHV users. A bill recently introduced by U.S.Representative Mark Udall (Democrat - Colorado) calls for fines of up to $10,000 or "any amount equal to the cost" of improving, protecting or rehabilitating damaged land. Udall's bill applies those penalties only to off-highway vehicle users. The bill is titles "The Responsible Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement and Response Act" - HR 1382. Let Representative Udall know how you feel about HR 1382 by writing him at: The Honorable Mark Udall U.S. House of Representatives Washington DC, 20515 or email him at [url]http://www.house.gov/writerep[/url] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPA Proposes Regulations for Off-Highway Bikes and ATVs PICKERINGTON, Ohio -- The federal Environmental Protection Agency is proposing that off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles meet strict new emissions standards beginning in 2006, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports. The federal agency, which has been studying the issue for several years, plans to publish a notice of the proposal in the Federal Register in early October, and hold public hearings on Oct. 24 in Washington, D.C., and Oct. 30 in Denver. Currently, off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles aren't required to meet any national emissions standards. The EPA had planned to propose new emissions standards for highway motorcycles alongside the off-highway standards, but now says the highway-motorcycle proposal will be made separately within the next few months. Under the EPA's proposed emissions standards, both off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles would be subject to strict requirements beginning in 2006. All-terrain vehicles would be required to meet even stricter standards beginning in 2009. The proposal and related developments will be available at [url]www.epa.gov/otaq.[/url] Docket No. A-20000-01. Below are excerpts of an EPA press release regarding this issue.... EPA PROPOSES TO REDUCE POLLUTION FROM NON-ROAD VEHICLES Cathy Milbourn 202-564-7824 / [email]milbourn.cathy@epa.gov[/email] The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to regulate several types of non-road engines to help reduce hydrocarbons (HC) carbon monoxide (CO) nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the environment. Controlling these pollutants will reduce exposure to CO and air toxics for the operators who work with or near these engines, and help to remove haze from national parks. • Off-Road Motorcycles and All-Terrain Vehicles: EPA is proposing an emissions standard that would encourage manufacturers of these vehicles to switch from two-stroke engines to four-stroke engines, beginning in 2006. EPA is proposing that all-terrain vehicles would also need to meet a second, more stringent phase of standards beginning in 2009. EPA would exempt from regulation those off-road motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles that can be shown to be intended for use in competition. • Snowmobiles: EPA has proposed a standard that would reduce hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions by 30 percent in 2006 and 50 percent in 2010. EPA believes these standards could be met with technologies available from other engine types, and is requesting comments from the public about this view. To improve the final rule, EPA will refine the cost-benefit analysis it conducted in connection with this proposed rule. EPA will take into consideration the findings of this analysis as it makes final decisions on standards, phase-in periods, and or scope of coverage. EPA will issue proposals for highway motorcycles and evaporative emissions from gasoline powered boats within the next few months. Public hearings will be held in Washington, DC on October 24, and in Denver, Colo., on October 30. Detailed information about the hearings and on submitting written comments will be published in the Federal Register and at [url]www.epa.gov/otaq[/url] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***COMING EVENTS*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18th Annual LA to BARSTOW to LAS VEGAS Dual Sport Tour November 23-24, 2001 for information contact [email]D37DualSport@hotmail.com[/email] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date set for Second Annual San Diego Off-Road Exposition! This year's wildly successful event by SDORC will be repeated January 6th and 7th, 2002. For vendor or general information click here to send e-mail. Volunteers needed! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT SAND The 5th Annual Glamis Dunes Cleanup! A one day trash clean up effort will be held on Saturday January 19, 2002 at 9:00 AM at the Ranger Station on Gecko Road and Highway 78 A free participant t-shirt will be given out (while supplies last, one per person please) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/QUOTE]
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