Nimrods @ Dirt Bike.


Sponsoring Member
Feb 15, 2000
If you notice, in the Aug. issue on page 69. The tell you it's ok to use "any four stroke motorcycle GEAR OIL" in your RFS' engine. Try that and see what happens.:think


Aug 8, 1999
Greetings G-man,

What are you doing reading that stack of toilet paper anyway? ;)

Hope all is well back there in Humidston, as Patman calls it. I'm waking up to 45 degree mornings and have 85 degree afternoons. Had to dig out a buffalo plaid shirt that has been in storage for 2 years to stay warm!

As this is the euro bike forum, man y'all have got to make it up to Mid Ohio for Vintage Days next year. More bikes than you can believe are available. This year was definately a buyer's market with the economic slowdown. I almost bought a '77 Can Am 125 Qualifier, complete with the working lights and leather tool pouch on the rear fender. A great ISDT Reunion bike. That was what I was eyeing it for anyway. It had 475 miles on the clock and the asking price was $875. $700 would have probably done it. The owner was gone and I waited and waited for him. Went for a little wander and ended up with a '81 Montesa 349, aka "the white wonder", with 239 miles on it! All original, everything works including the horn and brake light. The bike has never been offroad, just cruised around in the grass in some guy's yard. Still has the tits on the tires. Unfortunately I did not have room for it and the Can Am in the van.

Oh well, time to load the XR up and take a little ride up at Rampart Range. Later DRNers,


Aug 15, 2000
Any Oil Will Do?

I personally like the walmart brand 30wt for my RFS... man those guys are crazy. Walmart puts the happy faces :D in their oil. Best yet you can get it for less than a buck a quart.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Tex has such a hard life, poor guy.:D

GGDude, thanks for looking out for all the RFS guys. Maybe DB is trying to help KTM sell engine parts?:eek:


Aug 8, 1999
Hey gasgasman,

Had lunch at one of your favorite places Saturday - The Sprucewood. Why isn't your picture on the wall there? ;)

You're gonna have to make the trip up here again sometime. I can see why it is so popular.

Hey Patman, how's the knee? Have you gotten any "saddle time" on the Monty? Gary was blown away by the condition of the 349. My dilemma is whether to ride the thing or contact museum curators.

That's the report from Christola Canyon. Where the dogs are good looking, the trout are all above average, and the bears are friendly.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Had lunch at one of your favorite places Saturday - The Sprucewood. Why isn't your picture on the wall there?
Because most post offices have it on their wall. :p

and the bears are friendly.

Hey Patman, how's the knee?
Could be A LOT better but at least I havn't been fitted for a peg leg....YET.;)
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