nitro methane

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
You can use nitro in any reciprocating internal combustion engine. The real question is whether or not it is worth the trouble. I'll bet Rich has used it...:debil:


May 22, 2001
at a race could i run regular gas in practice and then put the nitro methane in at the main event without hurting my engine i just want to know because it would make it really fast i think


Oct 9, 2000
MAssive rejetting and carb mods would be needed before you even think of running Nitro. I dont think in your wildest drems you could run gas, then nirto in one day.
Oh yea, fuels like nitro are also illegal in most racing organizations!;)


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by padrutt199
at a race could i run regular gas in practice and then put the nitro methane in at the main event without hurting my engine i just want to know because it would make it really fast i think
Let's forget about the mechanical differences required for each fuel for now, and just deal with the mixture issue. If you simply dumped the gasoline and poured nitro in your tank, the bike wouldn't even run, much less make more power. Nitro actually has less btu content than gasoline. The reason an engine can be made to produce more power with nitro versus gasoline is because, for a given volume of fuel/air mix, the nitro mixture will contain a much higher percentage of fuel than the gas/air mix. Gasoline burns best at a ratio range of 12-14:1 fuel-to-air, while nitro burns best at a ratio range of I believe around 6:1 fuel-to-air, or roughly twice the fuel with half the air. Obviously, you ain't gonna get the two different fuels to work with even remotely close to the same jetting, maybe not even the same carb. I don't really know about using the same carb because I've never ran nitro in anything that I have owned, due to the very high price tag. I don't think I want to pay $100 a gallon for fuel for my bike.

On a side note, improving your fitness and riding skills, and setting up your suspension and ergos for you, will do far more to increase your speed than any magic fuel potion will ever do. Doubling the horsepower of your bike will do nothing to make you faster if you aren't skilled enough to put that power to use, it may actually even make you slower.
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