I was reading some stuff that you all were riding back and forth to each other I have the same issue I rebuilt the top end on my grandson's KX65 I bought a new cylinder Pistons rings the little bearings everything put it together and only have 50 lb of compression took it apart done it again 50 lb of compression and a little bit of antifreeze on my spark plug can anybody help with this situation
I was reading some stuff that you all were riding back and forth to each other I have the same issue I rebuilt the top end on my grandson's KX65 I bought a new cylinder Pistons rings the little bearings everything put it together and only have 50 lb of compression took it apart done it again 50 lb of compression and a little bit of antifreeze on my spark plug can anybody help with this situation
And I also forgot to mention I did not replace the head it had some damage on it and I'm thinking it could be cracked and that's why I'm losing compression I'm just not sure I did take it to a machine shop and they decked it make sure it was very flat but it was too small for them to do a magnaflux so could the head possibly be the problem just questions because I do not know