No Orlando SX Comments?


Jun 28, 2002
In My Opinon Reed Has It Coming, He's A Whining, Excuse Making, Crybaby And A Sore Loser. You Don't Earn Respect Just By Being A Great Rider. I Really Don't Think He Is Representing The Sport Very Well At This Point. I Personally Wish He Would Go Back To The Land Down Under If He Can't Suck It Up, Start Acting Like A Man And Quit Sticking His Tail Between His Legs Like A Whipped Puppy. I'm Sure His Sponsers Aren't Real Happy With His Behavior. Just My Humble .02 Worth.


Aug 21, 2005
I love the anti Reed crowd. If he were to stand up on the box and say "I tried, but I couldn't beat him today" then he would still be whining. Just like Stewart, he has PR people telling him what to say. And if you think that Stewart is a better representative for the sport, remember that it is not him changing, it is his PR team telling him what not to do. He is the same guy that used to drop his bike and do a dance after every win (yes, I found it amusing, but many did not). Do you really think that Windham and the others are representing well with "I'm just happy to be on the podium"? Where is the desire to win?
Personally, I don't hear the excuses, but I am a little biased in Reed's favor.

BTW, I used to like Stewart too. Now, he is one of the two riders that I don't like; Mike Alessi is the other one.


Feb 2, 2001
Bubba is the next GOAT. Just like RC was the GOAT, and MC was the GOAT. It's just the next generation. MC was unbeatable until RC beat him. We just saw the next transition. Bubba has what it takes and as evident in this race...he can dethrone the king even if RC didn't step down.

As for Reed....I am not disappointed. And I don't think he should be disappointed. He got the holeshot, ran great, and was 18 seconds down from a "ALL OUT" RC/Bubba battle. That's under a second a lap slower from RC/Bubba's best. And then he had EVERYONE else covered by an even LARGER gap of 24 seconds. So Reed may never be fast enough to win a race heads up or to win a championship, but (1) he is one hell of a rider and (2) his situation is so frustrating that most people would flat out quit.

But his persistance and consistance -can- pay off. He's there keeping Bubba honest.

And it is clear that Bubba just has more respect for RC than Reed. And probably because he see's RC as his only competition. Reed wants some respect, Bubba won't give it, so Reed won't honor Bubba back with any respect. It's that simple. It should have nothing to do with speed. All riders should respect each other, but clearly Bubba gives a rats arse about anyone else (Preston, Ivan, MC, etc....). Reed is just the only guy who is ever close enough to do anything about it.

Oh well, maybe now that RC is gone, Bubba can get his title and learn to respect his fellow riders more. Or he'll wad it up, Reed will be back in the hunt and Bubba will hate him even more for even trying to win a race.


Aug 21, 2005
Micahdawg said:
Bubba has what it takes and as evident in this race...he can dethrone the king even if RC didn't step down.
Actually, I think RC backed down and let him go, right after the pass to prove that he could. Of course, the world will never know.


Mar 24, 2002

The difference is, when JBS and RC do it to Chad nobody falls down. Chad grows some balls and takes out Bubba. Then when Bubba passes him back later in the race and then taunts him afterwards the whiny crybaby Chad comes out.


Mar 24, 2002

You descibe EXACTLY what Chad's problem is and why he is hated. He has yet to get up on the box and say "I tried, but I couldn't beat him today". He gets on the box and cries and whines about how they're pushing him around, or I got a 22nd degree shoulder separation, or I had sand in my mouth and couldn't breathe. He comes off as a *****, if his PR people are responsible then he needs to fire the whole bunch of them.

I'm all for Chad growing a pair of balls if he thinks he can stay with Bubba (he's dreaming if he thinks he can). I can't stand the crying, excuses, and cowards way he goes about it.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Awesome race! :yeehaw:

RC is a great champion and a great human being.

I have high hopes for James.


Aug 21, 2005
karterron said:
The difference is, when JBS and RC do it to Chad nobody falls down. Chad grows some balls and takes out Bubba. Then when Bubba passes him back later in the race and then taunts him afterwards the whiny crybaby Chad comes out.
I didn't say RC, he was (is) good enough that he doesn't need to play that way. We all know that Stewart has 0 problem taking another rider out. The difference, apparently Reed can take a hit and keep riding. Stewart is so far from total control that the bump will take him out. It is riding on the edge, and when you are that close to the edge, it doesn't take much to push you off the side.

And I do get tired of hearing about Chad's shoulder, the anounce crew made a much bigger deal about it than he did. When Bates tried to give it to him after a race (can't recall which) he said that it was fine and didn't bother him at all. They still won't shut up about it.

And let's not forget that Stewart spent and entire summer whining that his bike wasn't fast enough. Yes, it was a 2 stroke, and Jeremy has since led races on one. OK, Jeremy did it indoors. Have I covered all of the excuses? SImply put, if things weren't going his way, then he would be crying too.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Micahdawg said:
Bubba is the next GOAT. Just like RC was the GOAT, and MC was the GOAT.

GOAT = Greatest Of All Time. There is only one GOAT and it is now RC, prior to RC I'm not sure who I would have anointed but it would not have been MC and his 1 Outdoor Title. Jeremy is the King of SX but his lack of outdoor dominance leave him out of any GOAT consideration. As for Stewart he is currently the fastest full time racer, in the unlikely case that he manages to Surpass RC's accomplishments (He's already several 250 Outdoor titles behind at this point in his career) then he may be considered for GOAT eligibility, until then he's the latest fast guy, nothing more.

Micahdawg said:
It's just the next generation. MC was unbeatable until RC beat him. We just saw the next transition. Bubba has what it takes and as evident in this race...he can dethrone the king even if RC didn't step down.

So he beats a part time semi retired car racer by .9 seconds less than 36 hours after the guys wife gave birth to his first children and this is evidence he could dethrone RC? RC gave James two full seasons to dethrone him and James failed, would it happen eventually if RC decided to race forever? Most certainly but as of right now James is the fastest guy on a SX track but RC is the guy who would come home with the title had he desired to have it. Need evidence? James already has a 5th place finish this series, with RC there full time it would have been title chase over.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
FruDaddy said:
And let's not forget that Stewart spent and entire summer whining that his bike wasn't fast enough. Yes, it was a 2 stroke, and Jeremy has since led races on one. OK, Jeremy did it indoors.

I wouldn't call a holeshot on a 40 yard start straight and holding the lead for 2 turns much of leading a race.


Feb 2, 2001

And I suppose the new 19 year old kid moving up to the 250's was his golden time to strike. Or maybe it was the 20 year old kid on the new 450? RC clearly had no advantage being the older, wiser, more "big bike" acclimated rider. But yeah, JBS had his shot. I still find it oxymoronic how the GOAT gets beat heads up several times this year. Is that how he got his status?

Chili said:
So he beats a part time semi retired car racer by .9 seconds less than 36 hours after the guys wife gave birth to his first children and this is evidence he could dethrone RC?

Wow, I do believe Reed would be burned at the stake for a string of excuses such as those. But no, JBS could dethrone RC because of.......*keep reading*

If, and I say IF, RC raced all the rounds and pulled a 1st place finish in the ones he missed out on, he would still only be +10 points ahead of Bubba right now. And yes, that is factoring in Bubba being bumped down to 6th place in San Diego (and the others). Lets not forget that of the 7 rounds RC raced, Bubba won 4 of those. 5 rounds left, but title chase over huh?


Aug 21, 2005
If RC were focused on SX this year, then he would not have lost so many times. If RC were there every race, Stewart would have made several bonehead mistakes trying to get around. Last year Stewart and Carmichael were both on top of their games, both indoors and out, and Stewart got beat. Now Stewart is still on his game, but RC has been going through the motions and preparing for a different game. There isn't enough time in the week for Ricky to adequately prepare for the roundy round stuff and still train for SX, and he still has the speed. In the beginning RC took the championship from McG, now RC has given it to Stewart (he even helped pad the points lead).


Aug 21, 2005
Chili said:
I wouldn't call a holeshot on a 40 yard start straight and holding the lead for 2 turns much of leading a race.
I seem to recall a couple of laps, but it has been a while and I don't have a tape to go back to.
Jul 4, 2006
I heard Chad mention about being pushed around and not wanting to take it anymore, is that whining? I thought maybe a "watch out" statement, as far as injury stuff he never whined that was media hype.

I've got to watch Daytona and Orlando practices "live" and James gets in his head more there than in the race. It's a head game alright he'll let Chad get out 50 yards or so and close the gap so fast it's hard to comprehend. James likes to figure the track early make 2 hard laps (for time) and then go play with them. Whether it be pulling off when he feels somebody is checking his lines or give somebody a good gap and close it real fast.

Also what's been cool is RC taking Ivan out and showing him his lines towards the end of practice.

At the end of race interviews James was saying he and RC were out there whooping it up with each other. The crowd noise was insane especially when RC came back for that look over on the triple. But it would have been cool to hear those guys having a blast like it was out practicing or something!!


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Micahdawg said:
A I still find it oxymoronic how the GOAT gets beat heads up several times this year. Is that how he got his status?

Nope he got his status by being the most dominant racer in the history of the sport, not by beating someone sporadically at a few races but failing to win the titles.

I'm not sure how this is so hard to understand, Is James the fastest guy on the track currently? Absolutely, does that make him an equal to the greatest racer of all time? Not even close get back to me AFTER he equals RC's total AMA victories and titles won.


Dec 31, 1969
Nope he got his status by being the most dominant racer in the history of the sport, not by beating someone sporadically at a few races but failing to win the titles.
Humm... I'm old and the memory fades, but doesn't that describe RC's first 250 season with MC? Yup, JS crashed and broke in his first season, then came-up a couple points short in his second. No discounting RC's ability and drive, but even the JS haters have to see, if it had gone a full season this year, JS would win it. Of course, we can't say for sure... that's why we benchrace.

Bottom line? RC is done. We can hang on to the GOAT thing and live in the past until the cows come home, but there's a new boss...same as the old boss.

It's a scene of a bunch of crusty old men, sitting on a front porch... "back in the day, there were real racers, like RC, he was the man!"


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Okiewan said:
Humm... I'm old and the memory fades, but doesn't that describe RC's first 250 season with MC? Yup, JS crashed and broke in his first season, then came-up a couple points short in his second.

Yup and that clearly illustrates my point at that stage of his career RC was not the GOAT, he was just the fastest guy on the track like James is now. At some point many years from now if James manages to topple RC's records he will replace RC as the GOAT, until then he's just the fastest guy out there currently.

And if you want to further the benchracing that describes RC's first 2 SX seasons, he never failed to win an outdoor title in any season he has raced something James has now done 2 straight seasons as well as one of his 125 seasons.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006

Red Mamba

Feb 5, 2006
Chad Reed need to worry about three guys getting up closer to him, Tim Ferry, Tedesco, and Langston, they are getting real close to him if he still wanna maintain the #2 spot.
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