As was previously mentioned, there have been a lot of great replies.
To quote my Grandma Kathryn, "Don't be afraid to live." She never learned to ride, but at the age of 75 asked my brother Chris if he could give her a ride on the back of his XR200. Her response after putting around the neighborhood, "That was a FINE thing to do." I learned a lot from her.
The biggest thing is that there is a lot of joy to be had in this thing we called life. So many people are content to complain about all their problems when those problems are really insignificant if they really thought about it. Maybe I am lucky. I get a genuine kick out of just being alive and laugh out loud every day. I am not looking forward to the day I have to call it quits, but I know that whenever that day comes, I will have gotten as much out of life that I could. If I sound like Richard Simmons, it is probably because of all those bugs I swallowed and two stroke fumes I inhaled on one of them dang murdercycle rides!!
The worst people of all are the one's like my soon to be ex-sister-in-law. When she found out I rode a dirt bike, her response was, "but they're so dangerous though. Why would you want to do that?" What really irked me was adding the word "though." It implies two things. The first is that she has any first hand motorycyle experience and of course she had none. The second is that the word though makes is sound is as if she is the adult and I am a child and she is reminding me of how foolish I am. If you cold picture those words coming out of the mouth of Hilary Clinton, you have a pretty good idea of what her facial expression would have been.
Here is the kicker. She and my sister (I love my sister very much but she does some foolish things some times. You would expect more from a doctor wouldn't you?) decided to go snowmobiling NAKED last winter. This is at 12:30 a.m. after drinking a good amount of wine. You have no idea how incensed (sp?) I was to hear this story. I can't ride a motorcycle cuz its too dangerous but she can get drunk and snowmobile naked? But guess what, it was a really funny experience, because she accidently put the thing into reverse and backed over my sister's leg. Isn't that funny. Believe you me, I never have to hear from my sister again about my motorycle riding. Drunk, naked, below freezing, my mind reels. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortuneatly/fortuneatly, my brother is divorcing that mean spirited person. On the bright side, I got my brother to commit to either a new Husaberg 470 or Husky 450 next springtime.
To get back on topic, I am reminded of a t-shirt I bought from No Fear about five years ago. It said, "Dangerous Sports: Those who know cannot explain. Those who don't cannot understand." That about sums it up for me.
Greg M