T-Rat, I would have to concurr with your assessment of bswits comments as he did say and repeat the thought that we get off our duffs. Whats up with that? We promote the sport in a responsible manner, serve as ambassadors to the community, scan the horizon for signs of trouble, assist and commend those taking the lead, and help those in need, and we get told to go away and ride more. :think: Seems the old adage that those rowing the boat don't have time to rock it is appropriate.
We (All NW drn'ers) should meet at Tahuya next weekend for an informal ride and round table discussion of this outrageous insult heaped upon us by this whoever for whatever. Forget the Cranberry HS, spend the entry fee on beer and steaks and we can have a real party! BTW Seabeck pizza at Belfair has allright pizza.
NMA benefit poker run Oct 19 and 20 ( big shameless plug) The proceeds go to the NMA. This is a good thing.
Team Louie Louie plans to be there with hot dogs and chili after the ride and before the trophies. Hint, look for the hawaiian shirts. We will also have copies of the Capitol Forest survey to fill out, perhaps some coupons from our sponsors and we might even give away a tub of Bag Balm to the worst case of monkey butt. We will need a judge or judges for that competition. Any takers? :moon: