I needsome help. I have a 98 KDX 200 in pretty good nick. I bought it second hand 5 months ago. The problem is the bike has never idled and will stall when I take my hand off the throttle.
I have checked the carby and replaced the jets with 45 pilot and 158 main, needle middle position.
This has made it run much better and is very easy to start, but will still not idle. It runs very well but this is really bugging me. The idle screw and air screw do have some effect but only just past around 1/16 from idle.
AIr filter, plug and top end is all good, could this be a cable or KIPS problem?
Im stuck
I needsome help. I have a 98 KDX 200 in pretty good nick. I bought it second hand 5 months ago. The problem is the bike has never idled and will stall when I take my hand off the throttle.
I have checked the carby and replaced the jets with 45 pilot and 158 main, needle middle position.
This has made it run much better and is very easy to start, but will still not idle. It runs very well but this is really bugging me. The idle screw and air screw do have some effect but only just past around 1/16 from idle.
AIr filter, plug and top end is all good, could this be a cable or KIPS problem?
Im stuck