Ocotillo wells ride


Jun 16, 2005
I am taking the family and some friends out to Ocotillo wells in Oct. The weekend will be the 7-9. That is a Fri-Sun. The invite is open to all.

I know I have CspineRider (Mike) going for sure. Hopefully I have given enough lead time for the ride.


Feb 2, 2005
Tom where do you camp at? I might be down for a day run. I also am planning on making a long weekend at OW on the 20th of October. Can't wait for cooler temps, Desert Season is around the corner.


Jun 16, 2005
TemeculaTim said:
Tom where do you camp at? I might be down for a day run. I also am planning on making a long weekend at OW on the 20th of October. Can't wait for cooler temps, Desert Season is around the corner.

We camp at Hiddenvalley, off of Cahilla trail. We plan on leaving early Friday morning Oct 7th or possibly late Thursday night, to have a full day of riding on Friday. Hope you can make it.


Jun 16, 2005
Hey pin it II win it, have you done the spook run out there at Ocotillo wells? I was looking at getting in on that.

Looks like Cspine and I are going to do a O.W. to Superstition ride on Friday 10/7. You all still welcome to come and ride.


Jun 16, 2005
Looks like Cspine and I are headed out to Ocotillo on Thurs night instead of Fri. We are going to do the O.W. to superstition run Fri morning. All are welcome to join us. We'll be having breakfast at My desert rose cafe before the ride. So there's the latest news on our trip.


Octillo wells conditions

Hi, we live near Thousand Oaks. Our quick rides are at Rohwer. Some of the bypass trails are challenging we are ok with it. We have ridden at Gorman, but it is too crowded and dangerous with two way traffic most of the time. Red Rock is nice but way too far for a day. Pretty easy to get lost there also. Cal City, again too far for a day and too boring for a weekend.
I ride a honda 200, my sons ride a KTM 250 and honda 610.
What is Octillo like? Sandy, rocky, tough terrain or just dirt roads? Is it more comparable to Cal City or Gorman? Is it crowded?


Jun 16, 2005
I have never ridden Rowher or Gorman. I do have some friends that go out to Gorman. I have heard some scary stories about that place. It's about a 2- 2 1/2 hr drive for me. If I am going to drive that far. I would rather go out to Ocotillo. It's pretty much wide open. There's sand, hills, washes, hard pack. If you can think of it. It is probably out there. Plus there are some cool things to see out there. There's a place called pumpkin patch. It looks like somebody planted pumpkins made of sand ansd stone out there. Plus the gas domes, artesian wells. It's a cool place to ride if you have kids. Nothing to wild goes on out there. Not saying that they don't have their rowdies out there. But it is mostly families that ride out there.

I hope that gave you an idea of what Ocotillo Wells is all about.

Kx Steve H

May 1, 2002
ocotillo wells is alot like cal city, wide open with washes, a few hills, but like CRF_TOM was saying it has some cool ride to spots. i liked cal city (been there once) it was new so it was fun, i think you would like ocotillo wells just for the new factor alone
Aug 9, 2005
Hey CRF_Tom, mind if a complete stranger shows up and rides with you? I don't know if I'll camp and stay the weekend or just show up Sat but I'm definitely coming out sometime.

So, who else is racing the rattlesnake chase next weekend? :ride:

John 28F


Jun 16, 2005
Dunecharger, I have no problem with strangers. As long as they're not strange...... :yikes: You are more than welcome to come out and ride. If you show up Sat monrning. We'll be camping at the hidden valley campground. I can give you GPS cords if you need them. If you have a family, bring them out too. I have four kids that ride.


Jun 16, 2005
One thing I forgot to mention. Sat's we usually go on a group ride with the kids. It takes awhile, but nothing too bad. Then we get back to camp, have lunch. Then the adults go on a ride. Just incase you were expecting something else for Sat.
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