
Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Make sure you check out December's issue - not only do we have Kim's column (Kim, you made me cringe going on about needles & dentists), but we also have Nicole's article about the ISDE - another harrowing experience.

Both articles are definitely well worth the read. - Congratulations Nicole both on the article and the event. Don't forget to spread the word around about next year's LOI so the AMA won't have a leg to stand on about not enough women entering the qualifiers.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Thanks for the alert, Michelle!

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Actually, thanks for the link. 'Hadn't seen that magazine before. (I know, I gotta peek out from under this rock every once in a while.) Kim is hillarious! Great article, Nicole!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Good articles, Nicole and Kim! I like Kim, you're up to your usual standards--all the guys in the shop were reading over my shoulder to see what I was laughing at. Good job. Did you get Vicodin or Percoset? Which is more fun? I'm 5 weeks out and been done with crutches for at least a week and a half, and only slow now on stairs instead of one at a time. I get to drive a clutch again this weekend.

Desert Diva

Nov 3, 2000
Thanks for all the kind words kids! What? You don't like the HIGH PITCHED sound of the dentist drill Michelle?? And Nicole already knows I thought her article was great. Ya know -- there's more of you out there that write, I know there is, and ORC is always looking for good articles . . .

As for surgery -- they gave me Percocet firecracker -- but they're BRUTAL here. I was in in physical thereapy less than 24 hours after surgery, and I only used my crutches for the first 5 days. (Look, if you saw me on crutches you'd realize I'm far more dangerous ON them.) But it pays off. Being just a teensy bit stubborn and having gone through it before helped alot too.

So, that's my story minus all the cuss words.



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Wow, you're not kidding they're brutal. I just sat there and enjoyed my drug-induced dreamy state for 4 days, and started my PT at day 5. I ditched one crutch at a week and a half and got yelled at by my therapist so it was back to two for a while, but I quit using them again soon. She just didn't want me to walk on it wrong and teach myself bad habits or walk funny. (not that I don't walk funny anyway).
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