OH MY! Big changes in Outdoor Nat tracks in '05!


Dec 21, 2000
FLORIDA really needs a national. heck, the south needs a couple nationals

gatorback , hardrock, or monster mountain sound good to me.


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
I hate to see those tracks gone, but it would sure be nice to give us southerners a couple to go to. Outdoor is my favorite just to hard to attend one. Take off work longer, Plane tickets, hotel, etc. A southern track would make it a little more attainable. :thumb:


Mar 2, 2003
If I were a rider, I would be glad they got rid of Glen Helen. It seems those track designers must sit in planning meeting laughing about how difficult they can make the track. Hair-pin corners at the bottom of long, steep downhills? Mud pits? Seems like an obstacle course more than a race track. What next, make them triple through rings of fire? Double over piles of broken glass and thumbtacks? Maybe its just because Jody Weisel drives me insane.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Its only a matter of time, with all the quality tracks out there, who is taking bets on when CCE starts an outdoor series? They are well intrenched into Dirt track now, they are the only DT races to have contingency? They have young energetic people running the shows/races, and someone else sends letters.

trends never change.


OH HEY, IF your 12 you can race a 450 in a dirt track event. but yet only one company offers insurance in the country for parks and tracks, at a premium.

the list is endless.



2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
ONe last thought, Imagine working with more then just the "good ole boys" and have different tracks every year? NOt totally different but rotate 1/3 of the list each season to expose the whole country to the sport,..............na that would be to easy.

Heck we call LL the Amatuer National MX Championship, Nice organization, but if the track is what it has been in the past 20 years, you park on hills so steep its hard to walk up, race on the flatest piece of ground in three countys. Just another dump truck track. with more banners and bibs, like the fences aren't enough, they hang a flyer around your neck.



May 22, 2000
I'd be real sad to see Southwick go. I love that track. :( And I can't believe they're getting rid of High Point. Thats another track thats a staple in MX. I would have expected they got rid of Hangtown first. I hope the AMA is careful w/this. So whats the plan? Im gonna be ticked if SX gets like 5 more stops for series. Is the AMA trying to get rid of the Nationals? Come on SX is ok, but MX is where we all got our roots from. I'm personally a little concerned. :think:


Back in the saddle and having a blast !
I personally believe that this is not a good thing unless these tracks are losing the event due to poor attendance, poor facilities or some other valid reason. For example; Say what you will about the Coombs family, but the fact is, they have done a ton for the sport. Why should they loose an event? If anything, Highpoint should be moved to reduce the likelihood of it being a mud fest.

[Heck we call LL the Amateur National MX Championship, Nice organization, but if the track is what it has been in the past 20 years, you park on hills so steep its hard to walk up, race on the flattest piece of ground in three counties. Just another dump truck track. with more banners and bibs, like the fences aren't enough, they hang a flyer around your neck.]

Have you ever raced there? I have... The track may be on flat ground, but is no way near another dump truck track. This is a national caliber track that allows everything from PW50's to Pro-level riders compete and chase the dream of a lifetime. The Ten Commandments separate the men from the mice, the no lift jump faces force you to clear doubles with speed and finesse, the start requires balls of steel, high speed section, sweeper, switchback, etc. The dirt is what we dream of and well prepared. The bibs are awesome and a trophy all to themselves... Something I am proud to display right along side my Dirt week 01 Tag team plaque made by Red and signed by Niki.

As for adding more tracks.... I raced at Gatorback when it was a national... and loved that track. I hope they bring it back. I've rode at Hard Rock, I like it... but NO ! That is not national material. I wish they would do a 15 round series that would add some tracks rather than take an event from a promoter that has ... and will continue to promote our sport for the good of all.


May 22, 2000
Rock on Nikki I'm very impressed! :aj: Just wish I could have gone before I quit racing....... :whiner:


Back in the saddle and having a blast !
Awesome Niki, but where's the dirt/mud Niki !! I have not even washed the mud off of mine. That is one awesome place. Do you have any plans of trying to go again?

BTW - Your never too old to try and go to LL's... They have a class for every age group.


Jan 7, 2001
Not exactly anymore Herb, unless you're a retired pro in the 30 and up age classes. Since they eliminated the B classes most dads will never be able to head to LL's to race with thier kids.


Jan 29, 2001
You guys cant blame Dorna for this, at least you know there will be 12 rounds, they change there dates and venues during the year!! I agree with having more mx races or at least making it even amount, like 50/50 on sx and mx but they are probably making more $$ out of sx than they ever will out of mx.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Well yes I have raced there. I know the politics of it all also. I am sure there are both sides to this coin, I happen to look at the other side i guess. I stand behind my statment on the track, with hills like that its a shame to run on the flat and run a stadium style track, (ok a BIG stadium style track) instead of natural terrain. I don't believe for a minute that highpoint will loose a national, in fact it likely would be one of the last to go. I also know what things are done for that national amatuer race and have some views on that. Further more, i can tell ya, if I sponsored a rider, bikes, etc, etc, I sure the hell don't want some one else's name on that rider, they didn't pay for it, plain and simple. I am friends with some of those sponsors but the bottom line is that if I ever raced there again, my sponsor would be on that bib not the promotors. heck maybe its time to re-present that rule.
A different time perhaps......but sure would be nice to see other tracks, districts, promoters get a chance to have premier events like that, Nationals are not obtainable, and the little 5 year contract for LL isn't very likely obtainable either, I guess the only monopoly I like is on a game board.
as long as there are that many riders and that much money flowing nothing will change.


Mod Ban
Nov 17, 2002
Texas should get a national...period! Maybe two nationals......There's not a national that's even close to Texas and it's such a big state...It not like the northeast where the states are so tiny that driving to another state to watch a national is a 30 minute drive even if you live in the middle of the state!

I'll be willing to bet Lake Whitney will be the next new national event.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
i wish a national would come to the south, like in alabama, kw's place. or at least somewhere around memphis.
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