Oh no, my wife wants a dirt bike!


Sep 25, 2001
Took my wife and the dog riding with me this weekend at my friends farm. We have set up a 70's style mx track. Well she rode my bike (125 ktm) around the fields and fell in love with it.
This seems like a problem to me. What if she gets good and beats me? What have I done!


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
This is NOT, I repeat, NOT a problem. If my wife rode I would let her beat me (no pun intended) so I could get to go riding more. The fact is she probably would be better than me:whiner:


Jun 5, 2001
Dude, way cool. I have to ditto what master RM says! If you've got her on the dirt, life as you know it will only get better.



Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Back when we first started dating, my wife would see various hematomas covering my body. A couple of times she took me to the ER after a bad crash. Evidently this made a lasting impression. Now she won't even ride on the back of her brother's Harley.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
thermal, from what I've seen on this board there are plenty of men with non-riding wives or significant others that would give anything to be in your situation.
I've only heard a couple yahoos complain. ;)
Consider yourself lucky. It's a wonderful hobbie/activity to be able to share with your SO.
If she gets a bike, and ends up kickin' your arse, them more power to her I say!! :p


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Thermal, you not man enough to be beaten by a woman? j/k

As to what have you done? Well, no more "kitchen passes" needed, no more "how much was that part?", "whad'ya mean a new bike, that one's only 10 years old", blah blah blah.

It'll be what you make of it. Once she gets her own bike & is okay on it, see if you can hook up with some of the women around locally. If she's like me, she'll prefer to ride with other women and leave you to play with your mates. Don't put her down when she's riding with you, give her plenty of encouragement, but don't baby her either (my husband still tries to baby me sometimes, and all it gets him is an earful, the shrew has nothing on me when I'm in full flight lol).

Now, how tall is she? Maybe, if she's tall enough, it's time for you to get a new bike & she can have your cast off (hey, she liked it, you've got to work these things out to suit both of you), what sort of riding will the two of you be doing? etc etc etc
Good luck & have fun & don't forget progress reports.


Sep 25, 2001
She is 5-8 so I think my bike is too tall for her until she gets use to the controls. Hey why did you fall over on that hill? Are you sure the clutch is on the left side?
I ride woods, but she needs to stick to open areas (no trees to hit) for a while.

Peer Lovell

Nov 25, 1999
Brother,you've got to get control of this right away. I have seen this before.
This is nothing but a ploy to get complete control of you and to separate you from your buddies.
Try showing her pictures of dirt bike injuries. Maybe even try faking some of your own.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 19, 2002
Just dont get yourself in a position where you are spending more time working on her bike then your own. Ive got a lot of miserable friends that try to avoid trips with their wifes because they have to do to many honey-do's away from the house too. Luckily mine changes her own oil, tires and whatever else. As a matter of fact she wont use the same mixed gas as me because she doesnt like the way I do it, so she mixes her own.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I tend to agree with Peer. You must be very careful that you are not being set up!:eek:
If she really is into dirt, then talk her into a 4-weeeler.

"WHAT?"..you ask :scream:
Hey, nothing like having your own personal gas and sammich hauler with ya!
Besides that, if she never wrecks...you'll be a happy man. How many dirt bike riders you know that never wreck?:think


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by thermal
Hey what's it like to live in Santa Barbara and how far you gotta drive to ride the woods?
Absolutely lovely! Beautiful scenery (Mountains and ocean) and a great year round climate. Just the right size, not to big not too small (aprox 100,000).
I'm moving to St. Louis next month. I'll miss SB terribly but am looking forward to experiencing something new.
I've only ridden at one place for woods riding (unless you count Big Bear as woods riding?), Kennedy Meadows. Great spot but a 4.5 hour drive for us.
If we ever run into each other on a DRN ride, I'll be sure to let your wife try out my bike. ;)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 19, 2002
Hey thermal, ever heard of gas to oil ratio? My wife thinks, Im to careless when doing it. And the name has been with me a while, the other name I use was allready taken. But its not probably what your thinking, its the name of a guy from when I was a kid and it means sly cat.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Go for it and get her a bike

My wife tolerated thekid and I going out riding until we got her a bike of her own. Now when we go to the track she rides around the pit area by herself. She even has tried the track a couple times even tho her first try went 50yards before she endoed.
I would never call her a hard core rider by any stretch but with some coaxing from Gospeed, Scooter, and Pokie she even tried the womens mx at DW01. She had 3 hours tops riding experience and had such a good time there is a framed picture of it on her desk at work. I think she just likes the reactions she gets from everyone else in the office over it;) because no way she could be mistaken as competitive.
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