how about some perry dennis?
daniel's brother has completely paid for the DR now so dan can't ride it, and jason's bike is still in the shop. I'm not overly sure I should even be riding this weekend but I need to, haven't been out in two weeks!
Jeff I was thinking of Wayne. Either the trails Rich took us on( if I can remember them ) or a differant set of trailes. I called Shaun, him and Eric are entering a gncc and want to ride for a hr staight. HaHaHa.
hmm, well wayne is closer...
what are your plans for sunday? What time are you guys planning to be out there?
Or if you guys would be willing to drive a little farther you could always come and ride richland, bob hill still awaits your attempts :p
well dennis has been here a few times, he could tell you in detail probably..
It's about 45 minutes from here to wayne, the trails are pretty technical in places, the little racoon classic and little burr run trail here so apparently it's good enough for the pro riders. If you decide to come expect rocks and ruts just like at wayne, just not quite as much of them in one area. It's fun riding, maybe a little challenging in places.
well outa just go to wayne just because little closer for us, i have a hard time getting started early! but my friend John wants to ride, and he does not have APV for his bike, is richland a state park? do they check for permits?
just waiting to see if John can go, his clutch is burned up. Were going to work on it tonight. (98 yz250) so we can either go to richland or maybe even perry, although perry is not my place of choice. don't like the parking, to hot and dusty. to many parking lot racers(quads, the only place they can go fast) i think dennis wants to go to wanye though, thats fine with me, if John gets caught with out a APV, he'll just have to wait at the truck
Started out with 5 riders,ended up with 3. Out of the three 1 got lost. 1ran out of gas. We all made it back in one piece. A bad day of riding is way better than a good day riding, right. Lots of quads on the main loop.