Oil spurting?


Jul 14, 2000
I replaced the right crank seal, and top end and my bike wouldn't start. We couldn't figure it out for the life of us. After about a month we take it to the shop and they called today and said it fired right up for them, but it shot oil out the tail pipe across the shop. What do you think this could be? When it wasn't starting the plugs always had a little grey oil on them to so I though maybe the crank was leaking so I drained all the oil and the oil was red when it came out and when it went in so if it was leaking why would it be grey in the combustion chamber? I just replaced the silencer packing to so I don't know why its doing this? I'm going to the shop tomorrow to see it and find out what exactly its doing.

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Well here go's?

gray plug
  • 1© defective head / cylinder gasget
  • 2© porous head / cyclinder
  • 3© warped head / cylinder/ base
  • 4© cracked head / cylinder
Oil in pipe, what color was it, gray or red?
  • 1© incorrectly installed crank seal
all I can say if you get it back, and you continue to mystery oils in places like the pipe , or still have gray plugs or a lean condition or rich plugs© you might want to send the head and cylinder out to Mr gorr to let him have a look at it© he found a warped base on the kx -80 and micro cracks on the rm-125© that any normal machinest would have missed! good luck Moo !
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Jul 14, 2000
Well he said he looked at the crank seal and it looked ok but thinks its the gasket between the cases?
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