One Industries... Junk


Jun 5, 2001
I recently put on a new set of graphics about 2 months ago. When I bought them I called One Industries and asked them what is the best way for the graphics not to turn yellow. They said to drain the gas after ever ride and to take my gas cap off while it was sitting. I did exactly that and they have turned yellow and our peeling off after 2 months. This is the second set of graphics I have purchased in about 4 months and both sets did exactly the same thing. Anyone know any stop to this? And if any other graphic companies will last longer then 2 months?
Dave Burt


May 31, 2001
My CR80 that I had awhile ago did that but I think it was more because of the fact that I seemed to overflow it a lot when filling it up. It had CEET graphics on it. How could One Industries expact you to drain the gas after every ride. That seems like a pain. I have been really interested in getteing the Amsoil Factory Connection graphics like Mike Laroccos. Anyone heard or know of any bad things with NStyle?


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
I haven't seen a single set of graphics that would not turn yellow and/or peel up when they were mounted directly to the tank like the Yamahas and some of the others. The CRs and KXs graphics, for example are not part of the gas tank and are generally not prone to this problem.

I think it may be just a fact of life that you have to get used to, or purchase graphics often. If someone else knows someway to prevent it as well, I sure would like to know.


May 6, 2001
If you drain the gas and keep the cap loose on the tank when not in use, you should be able to get about 12 mos. out of them. Of course, if you wear knee braces, this could be substantially reduced as the braces rip the graphics up. If you overfill the tank and spill over the graphics, they won't last long at all. In addition to extending the life of your graphics, draining the tank after a ride (which takes all of 2-3 minutes) also prevents white plastic tanks from turning brown.

I've been wearing braces the past 16 mos. and don't bother buying graphics anymore. Waste of $$. I'll put them back on when it's time to sell.

Jake T

Mar 23, 2000
I have no clue how long my Ceet graphics have been on my YZ (bought it used in march)
but mine haven't turned yellow, brown, or peeled in any major way ( just a little peeling by the petcock)
I would recommend Ceet.

Moto Squid

Jul 22, 2002
Whatever you do don't get the LBZ graphics, for an Rm anyways. On the tank they've got little pinholes, I'd guess to allow the gas to evaporate off the plastic, but dirt and especially water from a weak little pressure washer gets under the graphics too and creates all sorts of nice bubbles.

Personally, on my cr I bought new N-style graphics after the stock ones got toasted. They seem much more durable but I had a huge problem with my knee guards, not braces, scratching them up real bad. So I put on my other set of side plastics with no graphics.


Feb 10, 2002
I got a pair of N-style graphics and seat cover and theyve been on my bike for about 3-4 months and only one part has peeled up and thats because they wernt put on 100% correctly. But other then that they havent yellowed, peeled up. I recommend N-style.


Jan 23, 2000
I'll 3rd the CEETS. I've had them on a 1992 Honda CR 125R (with the white tank and steel frame) for 2 years now. The bike even made a trip from Venezuela to Houston. Despite a little peeling, the colors are like new. No yellow. Yes, I do drain the tank to keep it from turning a rude color again. I used Plastic renew after alot of sanding to get that tank nice, and I'm not about to spoil it.

Shawn Mc

Apr 8, 2002
Ive got Nstyle on my 00 426. They are going on 2 years now, and ya theyve seen better days, theyve also been on two different gas tanks too. It was wierd, when my stock tank cracked, the graphics rolled off all by themselves. I just stuck them to the new tank. Places required the sticky to be freshened up with some acetone, but they stuck down just like new after.
Im getting a One Industries Hurricane kit, hopefully its not a POS kit.


Apr 30, 2002
Its all about common sence, lets face it gasoline is very toxic.

I've managed to get graphics to last 12 month, but over the years you learn things.

Normally I put the graphics on in the colder months. Try and pick a time when your not going to ride for 2-3 weeks.

I completetly drain the tank wash it out with a light bio detergent. Leave it for a week.

Once stickers are on try and leave it for another week before putting Gas in the tank.

Check tank as often as possible during this week for lifting,.and keep pressing the stickers on every day

I don't drain the tank after every ride, but if the bike was going to sit for a couple of weeks then I drain it and leave the cap off

The last brand of sticker kit I used was Factory FX
Feb 25, 2001
I must be wonder boy I have never had problems with 01 cr still has its stock graphics in great shape.....has taken many many hard falls and they are still great. Im notorious for spilling race gas all over my bike all the time ect.....anywho no pealing or discoloring. Same with my 00yz 125 I had one industries graphics and after I year they looked brand new. I always cleaned off the graphics with wd-40.
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