New to riding, and got a couple questions. I bought my '03 CR and rode it for bout 8 months and no problems. I decided I should change the fork oil. My manual said to put the dampers all the way out, so i did...and broke one or my compression adjusters (fyi for any1 that doesn't know, they're not pose to come out.)
Anyway, i figured i could still ride and order it later. So i drained the old oil out, and it was almost 20 oz in each fork. My manual and the guys at the local shop said the max was 14.3 oz. So i just put in around 14 and called it good.
So i left for the trails. I started to ride and the bikes forks would slam on the rebound. I thought that if the compression is all the way out, the rebound should too. Well come to find out, if ya put the rebound all the way in u get rid of the slammin. But after a minutes or ridin, i noticed my left fork seal was leakin.
So my question is, how could i ride with that much oil in my forks and not have them blow? And did havin my compression all the way out make one blow? Any advice would help a ton, local shops got nothin :yell: Thanks...