One leaking fork seal


Apr 24, 2008
New to riding, and got a couple questions. I bought my '03 CR and rode it for bout 8 months and no problems. I decided I should change the fork oil. My manual said to put the dampers all the way out, so i did...and broke one or my compression adjusters (fyi for any1 that doesn't know, they're not pose to come out.)

Anyway, i figured i could still ride and order it later. So i drained the old oil out, and it was almost 20 oz in each fork. My manual and the guys at the local shop said the max was 14.3 oz. So i just put in around 14 and called it good.

So i left for the trails. I started to ride and the bikes forks would slam on the rebound. I thought that if the compression is all the way out, the rebound should too. Well come to find out, if ya put the rebound all the way in u get rid of the slammin. But after a minutes or ridin, i noticed my left fork seal was leakin.

So my question is, how could i ride with that much oil in my forks and not have them blow? And did havin my compression all the way out make one blow? Any advice would help a ton, local shops got nothin :yell: Thanks...


Apr 24, 2008
i decided i wanted to try the cheap and easy way to the problem and just pull down the dust/wiper seal and use camera film to try and clean it. well, the only problem is, i can't get it to move. all the videos and forums say to use a screwdriver and it should come out. it's not workin. either the guy that owned it before me used the wrong size seal, or he used a fork seal driver to put the dust seal in (which from what i read ur pose to just push it in).

so does any1 got an idea of how to get it off w/out tearin apart my forks and hopefully not ruinin the seals???


Feb 6, 2000
The showas are a tight fit so get a thin flat blade screwdriver,carefully insert it between the tube and the dirtscraper and twist it, should be able to get a little space between the two. It should come out with minimal damage to the tube.


Apr 24, 2008
man i tried that, with a tiny screwdriver, i can't get any gap. do u think i'm gonna have to take the forks apart to get the dust seal out? doin that, i'd probably just replace 'em. i just don't wanna spend the $$ and time i don't need to do it.


Feb 6, 2000
I'm confused how would you get the forks apart without takin the dirt scraper out first. There is a snap ring that holds the seal in place which is under the dirt scraper.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Come at the fork at a right angle, between the wiper and outer tube, with a normal sizes flat blade screwdriver, With pressure against the joint, wiggle and turn a little. Then go 180 degrees and repeat. Initially it is tight, and loosens the more you get out. I can not believe you could not grab it and twist it off. If you are messing around the by fork inner tube, you are at the wrong joint.


Apr 24, 2008
dude, that thing was IN there. i had to take the forks off, cut a little hole in the seal/wiper just the above the metal piece inside it, and then jam a screwdriver in there to get it to move at all. the sucked balls. guess i gotta buy new ones now, oh well at least there off.