oregon area jetting tips?


Jun 18, 2001
Was wondering if anyone in the oregon area could give my some good numbers to start with for jetting. I ride in the tillamook forest mostly, only go east about once a year. My bike is a 00 220 with airbox mod, fmf rev and tcII. I am going to pick up a set of boyseen power reeds and the install them before rejetting. I know there must be some fellow kdx'rs from the area that have done this. Thanks for any info.


Oct 14, 1999
It isn't oregon that's the issue particularly..just jetting in general.

Check out:


for some good jetting tips under<tech tips><carb tuning>.

From that site:

CDave also has temp modification charts, great info on needles and such.

There is no substitute for your own WOT test, throttle response and plug reads.

Happy riding!


Mar 21, 2000
I'm sure by now you have looked at Dave's jetting page so, you have a good place to start. Just wanted to let you know that I'm also from the portland area and ride up at Tillamook two or three days a week. I have a '99 KDX 220 with air box lid removed, FMF pipe (I went with the torque pipe), and boysen power reeds. I also droped the gearing a bit by dropping a tooth on the front sprocket. The setup works great for those muddy days :cool: I'm sure you know what I mean. I also have a '94 RMX 250 which I take out for dryer days. It is much faster then the KDX :p but, is not as forgiving in the really tight / muddy trails.

If you are interested I have some pictures of both bikes taken out at Tillamook http://www.ladwig.com/bikes/pics.html

see ya out there :)



Jun 18, 2001
yea, I read the jetting page but was just wondering what other people around here were using so I wouldn't have to play with it "as much". What days do you usually ride heymike?


Mar 21, 2000
I usually ride on Sun,Mon, and Tue (depending on weather and what I have to get done that day). As I remember I have 145 main, 45 pilot, stock needle set to the second slot from the top, I don't remember the air screw setting. I mix with golden spectro @ 40:1 premium pump gas. I'm sure this will get you in the ball park. And I have to be honest and admit that I do have it set a little rich as I don't want to mess with re-jetting on a constant basis.

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