Hey People,
Before you ride try 2 servings of Twin Labs "Ultra Fuel" fo carb endurance and replentish every 2-3 hours. Ibuprofen,Viox, before your ride to keep swelling down (arm pump). After your ride eat a large amount of protein in either meats or protein supplement(Muscle Tech Nitro-tech or meso-tech is great) to help your muscles recoup. A three times a day dose of 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200mg chondrotin will keep your joints healthy from the rigors of off road riding. Long with a balanced diet of hot wings and beer for the mental phase is also great ! Keep it pinned !
Before you ride try 2 servings of Twin Labs "Ultra Fuel" fo carb endurance and replentish every 2-3 hours. Ibuprofen,Viox, before your ride to keep swelling down (arm pump). After your ride eat a large amount of protein in either meats or protein supplement(Muscle Tech Nitro-tech or meso-tech is great) to help your muscles recoup. A three times a day dose of 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200mg chondrotin will keep your joints healthy from the rigors of off road riding. Long with a balanced diet of hot wings and beer for the mental phase is also great ! Keep it pinned !