Own a Yamaha TTR-230, Need new bike!!!


Mar 15, 2007
I own a Yamaha 2005 TTR-230
I baught it from a lady just last summer been riding it very hard, everyday all day till now.
Ive tried every bike, kx 125, cr 250, yz250F. Im trying to sell my bike now im so desprite i cant stand my bike after trying those. Which do you suggest a 125 if so what brand, year?
Or a 250 four-stroke what brand, year?

Please help me i have been trying to sell my bike for a long time and am stumped on what bike i should get thanks.


Mar 13, 2007
I'm new here so I may or may not echo what others here will say but regardless I think your putting too much thought into the bike you get. Whether or not you need a 125/250F or 250/450F will depend a lot on your skill and your size and there was a form I just filled out near the top of the forum when I asked the "what bike?" question myself. That form will give the people on here an idea of your skill/size etc., so just fill that out and post it.

Anyway, no matter what size you decide on (I'd recommend the 250F's myself) just pick the color that you like the most. All of the bikes in the same size class produce similiar power, are similiar in weight, and any other category you want to insert here. Unless your a pro your not going to notice the difference and it's YOUR skill on the bike that will decide if you win or lose when you race your buddies. So, just pick the bike you enjoy the most and be happy!! I myself like Kawi and Yamaha...and if a Suzuki wins every shoot-out in every magazine I'm still gonna buy what I want. If to accomplish nothing else than being different that everyone else...


Mar 15, 2007
1) your physical size : 5'11, 145
2) How physical / aggressive are you ? yes very
3) what do you plan to ride- Everything, hill climbs,trails, might take up racing
4) Do you have any riding experience? offroad
5) Do you think you will race ? After experience on new bike, might hit the track
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work? : Alot of it yes help from my dad to
7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)? I've ridden a four my whole life but want to try a 2 some time, what ever suites me the best.
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry? Yes its a honda dealer ship, but they carry all brands.
9) How much do you plan to spend on a bike? $4000 thats the money im getting from my 230 im selling.
10) Do you live in California? No Canada.EH


Sep 9, 2006
Out of the bikes you tested which one felt the most comfortable to you? And which one felt like ti tould last the longest? what did you think of each one?

that can help us. And the 125 will have a siginificant power gain over your 230.


Mar 15, 2007
yeah, well im not used to powerband on a 2 stroke that was alot different, and the type of riding are really long hard rides, i dont want to have to run out of gas either. Im really debating on a 125 or 250F i have no clue what the differences are. But do you guys have any suggestions about my friend, shes a girl shes got a xr100 just started riding but she wants a new bike badly, she looked into the crf150R but thats to $$$ so i told her to think about the 85 2 strokes??


I bleed green!
Aug 7, 2006

have her or yourself fill out her info. in the same list that you did.


Sep 9, 2006
Yeah. There is quite a difference from a 125t, and a 250F. ythe 125 will have the powerban. And the 250f. Just smooth power. But the 250F is going to cost you more. And take more time / money to maintain. As the 125 wont. But it will use up spark plugs. (there cheap).

They both run in the same MX class. Its pretty much up you you. But yeah my opinion for you would be a 125 2-stroke, or a 250 4-stroke. (personally.. ide go with the 2-stroke.) it will make you a better rider in the long run.


Mar 15, 2007
All im worried about is how bad they are on gas, i can go for ever and not have to worry about it, i dont want a bike where i have to be sketching to run out. Because the rides I do arent even close to short. So i guess its all just up to the money and the deal i guess at my age, between the 125 and the 250F.


Sep 9, 2006
Um.. well i cant really compare my bike to a conventional 2-stroke. I think i can go 50miles or more on a tank. But that MY bike. My friends RM80 will get about 2 hours on a 1 1/2 gallon tank.

And if your really worried about it you can always buy a larger gas tank.


Mar 15, 2007
yeah i think i would do that for shure, do you know the price range on a larger one?


I bleed green!
Aug 7, 2006

if you want something that is going to be cheaper to maintain, then get the 125. 2T's will only "use up" spark plugs if youre not using the proper gas/oil ratio depending on what/where your riding or if youre bike isnt jetted right. if your concerned about money as most people are, get the 125.


Mar 15, 2007
But the gas on the 2 strokes will add up, because my friend has a kx 100 everytime we go out for a ride he runs out. My parents will be paying for alot of my gas so money for gas isant an issue, i just want to be able to do my usual long rides. Do you know the price range on a larger gas tank? if so please let me know thanks.


I bleed green!
Aug 7, 2006

85' and 100 2T's eat gas up because of the level or RPM's their in and the volume of the gas in there. my brother's 85 only holds 1 gallon of gas, while mine holds 2.25 gallons, and thats probably the largest gas tank youll find on a modern day 2T. if youre not going to be ringing its neck for a while, you dont need to worry about gas, especially since youre not paying for it. when i go to TNT, depending on how i ride, i only have to fill up once in a 5-6 hour riding day, sometimes not at all.


Mar 15, 2007
Im really leaning towards the 125, i think im gonna start lookin around for one now, and put some of the extra money into a larger gas tank to. I will be getting about 3500$$ canadian for my bike, should i be looking at the newer 125's in the 03-05 modles or does it all not matter that much.


Apr 18, 2006
atticus9 said:
I own a Yamaha 2005 TTR-230

Ive tried every bike, kx 125, cr 250, yz250F. Im trying to sell my bike now im so desprite i cant stand my bike after trying those.

If you have tried those bikes then I would have expected you to know for yourself which one you want.

I think that there is a tremendous amount of personal choice when you make the decision between a 125 two stroke and 205 two stroke. No doubt that the 250 is faster, the question is if speed and power are your only concerns. Some riders enjoy the challenge of the smaller engine.

As for the gas consumption: A two stroke is going to use more, no doubt about it. Is that really an issue? If you take off on all day rides and won't be back to camp until you have to then gas consumption and tank size is an issue. I have found that the stock tank provides for a couple of hours of reasonably hard riding and I will generally loop back through camp in that time.

I also have PWCs that have 1200 cc two stroke engines and I can't carry enough gas cans to keep those gas hogs running all day. On my YZ-125 a 5 gallon can will keep me running all weekend.

Mar 19, 2007
lol yeaa man i got a 05 ttr 230 and i go for laong hard rides basically everyday, i was also debating the 125 and 250f...no idea why i bought the 230 to begin with.