That's right. Clipper's recent story about Kevin Lavoie (Last Over, Jan/2002 Trail Rider Magazine and has me worried. So, I've got to ask: How important is a stress test for an old geezer like me. I mean hecks fire boys, I'm only 45 years old, 5'-11", 190 lbs. I can run 3 miles without blowing chunks or crapping myself. I can do 10 pull ups and 10 dips without popping a testicle. And I can even ride a mountain bike for an hour and forty minutes, max effort, without calling an ambulance.
I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow. I'd kind of like to see my kids grow up. I got kind of a late start (they're only 4 and 7 years old) so I guess it couldn't hurt. Right?
I don't even want to talk about how the rest of his column knocked me to my knees.