Photo Forum Rules


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Welcome to the new Photo Forum here at DRN. To help make this forum a positive experience for all involved you are asked to respect the following rules.

  1. In keeping with the family friendly atmosphere of DRN all photo's posted should be considered suitable for a "G" rated audience. Anything deemed inappopriate by the moderators will be removed.
  2. Watermarked images created by you are fine if you feel the need to protect your images.
  3. Watermarked images created by someone else that you want to use to show off your latest race photo's is fine, as long as you are hosting them somewhere and not stealing the photographers bandwidth by linking directly to their site.
  4. If someone is looking for C&C (comment and critique) feel free to offer yours, but please do so in a civil manner. ie: "That image doesn't work for me is an acceptable critique", while "that picture sucks" is not.
  5. Before photoshopping someone elses image, keep in mind it is common courtesy to ask the original poster if they mind before altering their image.
  6. Max image size needs to be kept to 800 pixels wide. Larger images will be deleted.
  7. All images are the property of their respective owners, and may not be used or replicated without their written permission
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