

May 22, 2000
Hey guys has anyone heard of a place to ride(sand hills/trails) down in Pinehurst co.? Dave went through there and talked to a guy that said they ride bikes and four wheelers there alot. Just wondered if anyone knew the legality status of the place and the best( read: legal) way to get to the land. Gomer, Bruce, Ivan, Honda pilot? Any of ya'll heard of it?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I don't think SC has a Pinehurst county.

We used to ride near the "town" of Pineridge, which is a mile or two off of 321, near the intersection of I-26 and I-77. That was the place that was mentioned in a recent thread that was declared off limits after someone damaged some of the owner's equipment.

There are places sufficiently far away that one could park at and ride the trails there, but they do issue tickets...I think $75/person if caught.


May 22, 2000
ugh :| yea I don't have alot of money as is......... hey Gomer any more news on the sweco/some means of filling the low spots at the trails at TNT?

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Barbara has two ATVs, two dumpcarts, and the tractor to fill dirt into them...the hard part is getting people to do it.

I'm hoping to go do some more next weekend.

Is Pineridge the area you meant?


May 22, 2000
yea probly.......I'd be willing to help w/ some of that if there's any work left by the time I get out there again. I want to take Tang, but here 250X will get stuck for sure in some of those ruts. Stuck girlfriend=mad g/f mad g/f +faster b/f= quiet ride home. :laugh: not again........

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
You bonehead! You should have waited for her or ridden behind her (I'll explain the other merits of that, later :p )

I'm sure she'd be fine in the short loop (the one we worked on). If not, we'll be there to help! :laugh:


Dec 27, 2002
There is a Pinehurst north of Rockingham, NC. Known for lots of golf courses. Never been there, but have driven the car at Rockingham Motor Speedway.

Bruce McCrary

Nov 10, 1999
There were some sand pits that were being riden just across the NC/SC line somewhere here recently. A customer at the shop was telling me about it the other day.

They have just been recently closed because an ATV rider was riding down the highway after unloading and hit a car, killing the rider in the process. The guy telling me about it said that he had gone down there just the other week-end and was met by a deputy and a bunch of NO TRESPASSING signs. The deputy was the one explaining what had happened.

It wasn't a 'legal' riding area, just one that the land owners and local law enforcment turned their heads to until the unfortunate accident happened.

I can't verify any of this, as I have never been there and have no first hand knowledge of any of it, all of my information is definately second hand. But I felt worth repeating with this explanation and my knowledge of the guy I heard it from.



May 22, 2000
:|Once again some DUMB idiot ruining it for the rest of us that have at least a little bit of common sense.......:|


Jan 1, 2003
There is a sandpit area that we ride on just a few mile from my house on NC24/27. It's about 20 minutes north of Pinehurst and 20 minutes south of Sanford. We had a ATV accident about 2 weeks ago where a kid got killed when crossing the road and hit his friends ATV in front of him. The quad flipped on top of him. The kid was riding without a helmet and with his back brake known to be not working. I know of no restrictions at the riding area. The land owner is a "ride at your own risk" guy. I think he maybe posting those signs soon. It is actually a great place to ride. The whole pace is an old open sand pit with it being contained with sometime 30 ft walls. Nice little parking area that could hold around 10-12 truck if parked properly. Everybody who rides there is pretty friendly. There are some really good berms carved into the hillsides. There are a few jumps nothing big but plenty of sand to practice in. There is also a small oval track in the back the kids can practice on. It has some decent little berms. The guys I ride with we kida created a little flow as our practice track. You hit about 5 berms a staight away whoops section and one or two jumps depend on which direction you take. We are looking at maybe finding some one with a small Tractor or Cat and come out and make a few more jumps. I live about 5 mile form the pace so if you need directions just give me and email @
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