
Mar 30, 2004
I am brand new to biking and just good enough at wrenching to be dangerous.

I've recently purchased a Suzuki DS80 two stroke and broke it the second time I went out riding. It was difficult to start and starting to lose power at first. It then started making a rattle when trying to kick start.

I got the bike home and started playing around with it a little bit. I tried to kick start it and the kick start seized.

I have removed the cylinder head and found the piston and cylinder to look as it should. The piston arm however is stuck between the left and right crank sides. I suspect I can dislodge it but wanted to get some opinions before touching anything else.

Is this a crank bearing problem? The magneto has no play and feels right, there are no visible signs of wear or shavings.

Any help would be appreciated. Thx.
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