poor response


Aug 23, 2002
my 87 kdx seems to be suffering from something!...here the deal:
1)just bought a month ago.
2) put in new piston
3) finally got my power valves back in the right position
----ran good---

then all of a sudden one day got on to ride and seems like it's running way to rich (air:fuel wise)...i pulled plug, little wet...okay now where do i go...i'm scered to change needle position without knowing where to go, don't want to burn a new piston, may need to rejet, haven't check the size yet....can anyone give me a starting point


Jul 3, 2001
The only jet that can harm your engine by being too lean is the main jet (WOT jet) Dont be scared to raise the clip position (leaning it out) or install a leaner pilot. For main jets I run the richest main I can until I start loosing performance, just to be on the safe side. DO a plug chop at WOT and if it sputters or sounds like its missing, and the plug is black, then install the next leaner main jet.


May 16, 2002
Originally posted by fatty_k
DO a plug chop at WOT and if it sputters or sounds like its missing, and the plug is black, then install the next leaner main jet.

what does that mean?


Jul 3, 2001
If the plug is black and the engine is sputtering at wide open throttle, than it is too rich; install the next leaner main jet until symptons go away.

Simon Fuller

May 17, 2001
Check the simple things. If you didn't change anything and it overnight became too rich, what did change?

Clean air filter? No tinkering between rides (can you untinker what you tinkered with?) different gas? mouse crawled into you muffler and died (hey it could happen!)
Chipped reed could be the answer if it is boggin off the bottom.


Aug 23, 2002
well i haven't checked the reeds since this problem...i thought they were in good shape, i didn't see any frayed edges or cracks, and the clearance was in spec. ...BUT i will check again....hopefully get off work early today, and go start trying these things.....thanks all


Oct 14, 1999
re: #3

I'd start from where you were last. If it ran good for only a little while (a ride or two), I'd take off the pipe to make sure the KIPS is still in order. This comes to mind only because of the 'finally' comment on #3. There was some problem doing this?

If it's been quite a bit more than that...5 or 6 rides maybe..then guess it's less likely to be an issue.

Jetting isn't something that's going to change from 'fine' to 'wet plug'.


Oct 14, 1999
re: '..stock needle is...next to the top. I have <mine>...in position 2 (not 4 as stock).'


Yeah...I get stuck on '95-0X sometimes...but are you telling me now that an '87 is backwards numbered needle-clip wise? Really? They don't number clip postions from the top (blunt end)?

That would make the stock needle position @ next to the top to be in #2, and YOURS to be in #4 (if there are 5 slots).

What am I missing on this one mr. who? ;)
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