ChrisKring said:
I would suggest moving the 50 class to later since getting kids up to be at the track and ready to race at 7:30am is pretty early.
That's a good idea. They could run it after all the other races are done? I like that. :cool:
I understand that the GLMX was a well run MX event. None of the classes were exhibition and run on a completely separate course though.
These clubs have to put together 4 separate courses: A quad course; a bike course; a mini bike course; and an exhibition mini bike course. I understand that Portland doesn't have as many changes as some of the other venues, but they still have quite a few balls in the air, both on race day and the week leading up to the race.
That's why the officers try and help out with these types of questions. And for what it's worth, I was accurate with the time that I gave you. ;)